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Redraw Property (ModHFGrid)

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Returns or sets a value that determines whether the ModHFGrid should be redrawn automatically after each change.


object.Redraw [=Boolean]

The Redraw property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the ModHFGrid is redrawn automatically after each change.


The settings for Boolean are:

Part Description
True The ModHFGrid automatically redraws after each change. This is the default.
False The ModHFGrid does not redraw after each change.


You can use this property in code to reduce flicker while making extensive updates to the contents of the ModHFGrid.


The following code turns off redrawing, makes several changes to the contents of ModHFGrid, and then turns on redrawing to show the results.

Dim i As Integer
' Freeze ModHFGrid to avoid flicker.
ModHFGrid.Redraw =False
' Update ModHFGrid contents.
For i =ModHFGrid1.FixedRows To ModHFGrid1.Rows - 1
ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) =GetName(i, 1)
ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2) =GetName(i, 2)
' Show results.
ModHFGrid1.Redraw =True

See Also

ModHFGrid Control