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Picture Property (ModHFGrid)

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Returns a picture of your ModHFGrid. This picture is suitable for printing, saving to disk, copying to the clipboard, or assigning to a different control.


object.Picture [=picture]

The Picture property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
picture A bitmap showing your ModHFGrid.


The bitmap picture is a snapshot of your entire ModHFGrid on the Project Form window. Therefore, it can be very large. There are two ways to reduce the size of a bitmap picture. One option is to create a picture of a section of your ModHFGrid. To do this, write a routine to hide all elements you do not want to show, acquire the picture, and then restore the ModHFGrid.

Alternatively, you can set the PictureType property to 1 (Monochrome). However, this decreases not only the amount of memory used but also the picture resolution.


The following example shows how to set the ModHFGrid control's Picture property to a PictureBox control:

Private Sub Form_Click ()
   Set Picture1.Picture =ModHFGrid1.Picture
End Sub

See Also

PictureType Property (ModHFGrid) | ModHFGrid Control