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FixedCols, FixedRows Properties (ModHFGrid)

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FixedCols returns or sets the total number of fixed columns within a ModHFGrid.

FixedRows returns or sets the total number of fixed rows within a ModHFGrid.

By default, ModHFGrid has one fixed column and one fixed row.


object.FixedCols [= value]
object.FixedRows [= value]

Syntax for the FixedCols and FixedRows properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
value A Long value that specifies the total number of fixed columns or fixed rows.


Fixed columns and rows are constant when you scroll other columns or rows in the ModHFGrid. You can specify 0 or multiple fixed columns rows. In addition, you can select the colors, font, gridline, and text style of the fixed columns and rows.

If the SelectionMode property is a numerical value, when you select a fixed row or fixed column at run time, all cells within that row or column are selected.

If the AllowUserResizing property is a numerical value, you can resize the fixed rows or fixed columns at run time.

Fixed columns and fixed rows are used in spreadsheet applications to display row numbers and column names or letters.


The following code sets the first row and the first and second columns to fixed.

Sub Form1_Load () 
   ModHFGrid1.FixedCols = 2
   ModHFGrid1.FixedRows = 1
End Sub

See Also

ModHFGrid Control