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System Notifications (Notification Service)

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Web Parts can register to receive notifications for standard system events triggered in the browser. As the browser supports only a single callback function for events, parts should register for system events instead of trying to provide an event handler directly.

The following table lists the events that are provided automatically by the dashboard factory. The NamespaceURN for these events is

Event Name Description
onactivate Runs when the window object is set as the activeElement.
onafterprint Runs on the window object immediately after its associated document prints.
onbeforedeactivate Runs immediately before the activeElement is changed from the current window object to another object in the parent document.
onbeforeprint Runs on the window object before its associated document prints.
onbeforeunload Runs before a page is unloaded.
onblur Runs when the window object loses the input focus.
oncontrolselect Runs when the user makes a control selection of a window object.
ondeactivate Runs when the activeElement is changed from the current window object to another object in the parent document.
onerror Runs if an error occurs when the window object is loading.
onfocus Runs when the window object receives the focus.
onhelp Runs when the user presses the F1 key while the browser is the active window.
onload Runs immediately after the browser loads the window object.
onresize Runs when the user changes the size of the window object.
onresizeend Runs immediately after the user changes the dimensions of the window object.
onresizestart Runs when the user begins to change the dimensions of the window object.
onunload Runs immediately before the window object is unloaded.

See Also

Notification Service | Notification Service Example