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PropertyCollection Object (State Management Service)

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The PropertyCollection object makes it possible for properties to be retrieved, set, added, or deleted. Only properties that are set for the object appear.

**Note   **Removing a property is not the same as setting the property value to NULL.


PropertyObject Add (PropertyName,);
Remove (Index);
PropertyObject Item (Index);
Count Count ();


  • Index
    Identifies the property in the collection. The value of Index can be one of the following:
    • An integer that indicates the position of the property in the collection

    • A string, which is the combination of URN and property Name separated by the pound sign (#) or colon (:); for example, Part.Properties.Item ("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:webpart:PartStorage")

      **Note   **In the Add method, the value of Index must be a string.

  • PropertyObject
    The returned property object.
    Return values used for error handling.

See Also

State Management Service | Part Object (State Management Service) | Dashboard Object (State Management Service) | Property Object (State Management Service) | State Management Service Example