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ModHFGrid Control Constants

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This section contains information on the control constants of the ModHFGrid.

AddModeSettings Property

Constant Value Description
flexNoAddNew 0 The current cell is not in the last row, and no AddNew operation is pending.
flexAddNewCurrent 1 The current cell is in the last row, but no AddNew operation is pending.
flexAddNewPending 2 The current cell is in the next to last row. This is a result of either a pending AddNew operation initiated by the user through the user interface of the ModHFGrid or setting a column's Value or Text property programmatically.

AllowUserResizing Property

Constant Value Description
flexResizeNone 0 The user cannot resize with the mouse. This is the default.
flexResizeColumns 1 The user can resize columns using the mouse.
flexResizeRows 2 The user can resize rows using the mouse.
flexResizeBoth 3 The user can resize columns and rows using the mouse.

Appearance Property

Constant Value Description
flexFlat 0 The overall look of ModHFGrid is flat, or normal.
flex3D 1 The overall look of ModHFGrid is three-dimensional.

BorderStyle Property

Constant Value Description
flexBorderNone 0 There is no border.
flexBorderSingle 1 There is a single border.

CellAlignment Property

Constant Value Description
flexAlignLeftTop 0 The cell content is aligned left, top.
flexAlignLeftCenter 1 The cell content is aligned left, center. This is the default for strings.
flexAlignLeftBottom 2 The cell content is aligned left, bottom.
flexAlignCenterTop 3 The cell content is aligned center, top.
flexAlignCenterCenter 4 The cell content is aligned center, center.
flexAlignCenterBottom 5 The cell content is aligned center, bottom.
flexAlignRightTop 6 The cell content is aligned right, top.
flexAlignRightCenter 7 The cell content is aligned right, center. This is the default for numbers.
flexAlignRightBottom 8 The cell content is aligned right, bottom.
flexAlignGeneral 9 The cell content is of general alignment. This is left, center for strings and right, center for numbers.

CellPictureAlignment Property

Constant Value Description
flexAlignLeftTop 0 The picture is aligned left, top.
flexAlignLeftCenter 1 The picture is aligned left, center.
flexAlignLeftBottom 2 The picture is aligned left, bottom.
flexAlignCenterTop 3 The picture is aligned center, top.
flexAlignCenterCenter 4 The picture is aligned center, center.
flexAlignCenterBottom 5 The picture is aligned center, bottom.
flexAlignRightTop 6 The picture is aligned right, top.
flexAlignRightCenter 7 The picture is aligned right, center.
flexAlignRightBottom 8 The picture is aligned right, bottom.

CellTextStyle, TextStyle, TextStyleFixed Properties

Constant Value Description
flexTextFlat 0 The text is normal, flat text.
flexTextRaised 1 The text appears raised.
flexTextInset 2 The text appears inset.
flexTextRaisedLight 3 The text appears slightly raised.
flexTextInsetLight 4 The text appears slightly inset.

CellType Properties

Constant Value Description
flexCellTypeStandard 0 The cell is a standard cell.
flexCellTypeFixed 1 The cell is contained in a fixed row or column.
flexCellTypeHeader 2 The cell is a header cell for a band of data.
flexCellTypeIndent 3 The cell is used in a column that indents a band of data.
flexCellTypeUnpopulated 4 The cell is an unpopulated cell.

ColAlignment Properties

Constant Value Description
flexAlignLeftTop 0 The column content is aligned left, top.
flexAlignLeftCenter 1 The column content is aligned left, center. This is the default for strings.
flexAlignLeftBottom 2 The column content is aligned left, bottom.
flexAlignCenterTop 3 The column content is aligned center, top.
flexAlignCenterCenter 4 The column content is aligned center, center.
flexAlignCenterBottom 5 The column content is aligned center, bottom.
flexAlignRightTop 6 The column content is aligned right, top.
flexAlignRightCenter 7 The column content is aligned right, center. This is the default for numbers.
flexAlignRightBottom 8 The column content is aligned right, bottom.
flexAlignGeneral 9 The column content is of general alignment. This is left, center for strings and right, center for numbers.

ColHeader Property

Constant Value Description
flexColHeaderOff 0 No headers display for the band.
flexColHeaderOn 1 The headers display for each band.

DisplayBandSettings Property

Constant Value Description
flexBandDisplayHorizontal 0 The bands within the ModHFGrid display horizontally. This is the default.
flexBandDisplayVertical 1 The bands within the ModHFGrid display vertically.

DisplayCellSettings Property

Constant Value Description
FlexCellDisplayHorizontal 0 The bands within the ModHFGrid display horizontally.
flexCellDisplayVertical 1 The bands within the ModHFGrid display vertically.

FillStyle Property

Constant Value Description
flexFillSingle 0 Single. Changing Text or any of the cell properties only affects the active cell. This is the default.
flexFillRepeat 1 Repeat. Changing the Text or any of the cell properties affects all selected cells.

FocusRect Property

Constant Value Description
flexFocusNone 0 There is no focus rectangle around the current cell.
flexFocusLight 1 There is a light focus rectangle around the current cell. This is the default.
flexFocusHeavy 2 There is a heavy focus rectangle around the current cell.

GridLines, GridLinesFixed Properties

Constant Value Description
flexGridNone 0 No Lines. There are no lines between cells.
flexGridFlat 1 Lines. The line style between cells is set to normal, flat lines. This is the default for GridLines.
flexGridInset 2 Inset Lines. The line style between cells is set to inset lines. This is the default for GridLinesFixed.
flexGridRaised 3 Raised Lines. The line style between cells is set to raised lines.

HighLight Property

Constant Value Description
flexHighlightNever 0 There is no highlight on the selected cells.
flexHighlightAlways 1 The selected cells are highlighted always. This is the default.
flexHighlightWithFocus 2 The highlight appears only when the control has focus.

MergeCells Property

Constant Value Description
flexMergeNever 0 Never. The cells containing identical content are not grouped. This is the default.
flexMergeFree 1 Free. Cells with identical content always merge.
flexMergeRestrictRows 2 Restrict Rows. Only adjacent cells (to the left) within the row containing identical content merge.
flexMergeRestrict-Columns 3 Restrict Columns. Only adjacent cells (to the top) within the column containing identical content merge.
flexMergeRestrictBoth 4 Restrict Both. Only adjacent cells within the row (to the left) or column (to the top) containing identical content merge.

MousePointer Property

Constant Value Description
flexDefault 0 The outline of ModHFGrid.
flexArrow 1 An arrow pointer.
flexCross 2 A set of crosshairs.
flexIBeam 3 An "I"-shaped beam to make it possible for for text entry.
flexIcon 4 A square within a square.
flexSize 5 A resizing pointer with arrows facing up, down, left, and right.
flexSizeNESW 6 A resizing pointer with arrows pointing to the upper right and lower left.
flexSizeNS 7 A resizing pointer with arrows pointing up and down.
flexSizeNWSE 8 A resizing pointer with arrows pointing to the upper left and lower right.
flexSizeEW 9 A resizing pointer with arrows pointing left and right.
flexUpArrow 10 An arrow pointing up.
flexHourGlass 11 An hourglass symbol.
flexNoDrop 12 A no-drop pointer.
flexCustom 13 A custom-style pointer.

PictureType Property

Constant Value Description
flexPictureColor 0 This produces a high-quality, full-color image.
flexPictureMonochrome 1 This produces a lower-quality, monochrome, image that consumes less memory.

RowSizingSettings Property

Constant Value Description
flexRowSizeIndividual 0 Resizing a row changes only the height of the row sized. This is the default.
flexRowSizeAll 1 Resizing a row changes the height of all rows in the ModHFGrid.

SelectionMode Property

Constant Value Description
flexSelectionFree 0 Free. This makes it possible for individual cells in the ModHFGrid to be selected, spreadsheet-style. This is the default.
flexSelectionByRow 1 By Row. This forces selections to span entire rows, as in a multi-column list box or record-based display.
flexSelectionByColumn 2 By Column. This forces selections to span entire columns, as if selecting ranges for a chart or fields for sorting.

ScrollBars Property

Constant Value Description
flexScrollNone 0 The ModHFGrid has no scroll bars.
flexScrollHorizontal 1 The ModHFGrid has a horizontal scroll bar.
flexScrollVertical 2 The ModHFGrid has a vertical scroll bar.
flexScrollBoth 3 The ModHFGrid has horizontal and vertical scroll bars. This is the default.

Sort Property

Constant Value Description
flexSortNone 0 None. No sorting is performed.
flexSortGenericAscending 1 Generic Ascending. An ascending sort, which estimates whether text is string or number, is performed.
flexSortGenericDescending 2 Generic Descending. A descending sort, which estimates whether text is string or number, is performed.
flexSortNumericAscending 3 Numeric Ascending. An ascending sort, which converts strings to numbers, is performed.
flexSortNumericDescending 4 Numeric Descending. A descending sort, which converts strings to numbers, is performed.
flexSortStringNoCaseAscending 5 String Ascending. An ascending sort using case-insensitive string comparison is performed.
flexSortStringNoCaseDescending 6 String Descending. A descending sort using case-insensitive string comparison is performed.
flexSortStringAscending 7 String Ascending. An ascending sort using case-sensitive string comparison is performed.
flexSortStringDescending 8 String Descending. A descending sort using case-sensitive string comparison is performed.
flexSortCustom 9 Custom. This uses the Compare event to compare rows.

See Also

Calling a Stored Procedure | ModHFGrid Error Constants | Stored Procedures