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Working with Data Access Pages

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Data access pages make it possible for you to create data entry pages as HTML forms in Microsoft® Access and publish them to a Web site. For example, data access pages can be used in workflow applications to make it possible for users to view and update data directly in the database.

Data access pages are Web-related objects that combine the features of forms and reports. As you create these pages in Access, Access generates the required HTML and Extensible Markup Language (XML) code behind the scenes that represents the functionality you want. In addition, they are saved outside the main .mdb file to a Web site. From a Web browser, you can read the pages and enter data directly into controls, or you can view dynamic, statistical reports. Although the pages appear similar to forms and reports, they are their own separate entity.

See Also

Using Web Technologies with Office XP | Understanding HTML Elements | Working with the Office Web Components | Working with Office Web Discussions Client | Working with the Exchange Web Storage System | Working with Smart Tags