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Solution Explorer

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A solution and at least one project appear in the Solution Explorer for each workflow application. Each project contains two folders: Workflow Processes and Tables. These folders display, in a hierarchical format, the objects that are used by that project. There is no folder for a user interface, because the interface must be created outside of the Microsoft® Office XP development environment by using a program such as Microsoft® Access or Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

When you select an object in the Solution Explorer, the properties of that object appear in the Properties window.

  • Solution
    Conceptually, the solution is a logical container for the projects and workflow items that can be built into an application. Practically, the solution model makes it possible for you to organize logically your multi-project solutions.
  • Project
    A project functions like a container from which you can assemble components and deploy a finished application. All projects are contained within a solution, and every project contains a unique project file. The project file is a list of the files contained in the project. This file is updated every time you save the project.
  • Tables
    Displays the table hierarchy of main tables, detail tables, and lookup tables. The Tables folder has no properties, but each individual table does have properties.
  • Workflow Processes
    Displays the workflow processes that have been created for that project. The Workflow Process folder does not have properties, but the individual workflow processes do have properties.

See Also

SQL Server Workflow Properties Pages | Defining Hierarchy Schema | Removing User Tables | Adding Workflow Processes to Databases