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Synchronization Troubleshooting

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The synchronization process is dependent upon many different components and applications. If you receive errors while synchronizing the user directory, consult this list of issues.

One or more users could not be found on local machine or domain

User information synchronized with the following errors:One or more users could not be synchronized with the Exchange ServerOne or more users could not be found on local machine or domainPlease check the Application Log for details

This warning might occur if you have added non- Microsoft® Windows® users to your workflow application databases. The workflow application User Directory cannot synchronize non-Windows users. Even if these SQL Server users are not users of the workflow application database you are synchronizing, you still might see this message.

To Solve This Problem

Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to identify any non-Windows users and delete them, or use the Windows User Manager to set up valid Windows accounts for those users. This is not a critical error.

Users may not belong to this server

User information synchronized with the following errors:One or more users were not synchronized with Exchange server.Users may not belong to this server, or server path may be invalid.Please check the Application Log for details.

To Solve This Problem

If you are synchronizing with Microsoft® Exchange Server, make sure all users have valid Exchange accounts. This is not a critical message.

See Also

The Workflow Application User Directory | Managing the Server | Backing Up and Restoring Workflow Applications | Managing Workflow Applications | Creating New Applications from Templates | Moving a Workflow Application to a Different Server | Removing a Workflow Application from the Server | Managing Users and Roles | Editing User Information | Managing Templates