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Visually Indicating the State of a Command Bar Control

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Many menu commands or toolbar buttons are used to toggle the state of some part of an application from one condition to another. For example, in Microsoft® Office applications, the Bold button and the Align Left button will appear pressed in or not pressed in, depending on the formatting applied to text at the current selection. You can achieve this same effect with your custom command bar button controls by setting the State property to one of the msoButtonState constants.

Note   The State property is read-only for built-in command bar controls.

The following procedure shows how to explicit set the State property of a custom command bar button control:

Function CBCtlSetState(strCBarName As String, _
                          strCtlCaption As String) As Boolean
   ' Set the State property of the strCtlCaption control
   ' on the strCBarName command bar. The State property is
   ' read-only for built-in controls, so if strCtlCaption
   ' is a built-in control, return False and exit the procedure.
   Dim ctlCBarControl As CommandBarControl
   On Error Resume Next
   Set ctlCBarControl = Application.CommandBars(strCBarName).Controls(strCtlCaption)
   If ctlCBarControl.BuiltIn = True Then
      CBCtlSetState = False
      Exit Function
   End If
   If ctlCBarControl.Type <> msoControlButton Then
      CBCtlSetState = False
      Exit Function
   End If
   CtlCBarControl. State =
   If C.State = MsoButtonDown Then
        C.State = MsoButtonUp
      Else If C.State = MsoButtonUp Then
        C.State = MsoButtonDown
        'State is mixed, leave it
   End If
   If Err = 0 Then
      CBCtlSetState = True
      CBCtlSetState = False
   End If
End Function

See Also

Working with Command Bars | Working with Command Bar Controls | Adding Controls to a Command Bar | Showing and Enabling Command Bar Controls