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VBScript and JScript Content

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

If the Content property contains Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) or Microsoft® JScript®, the dashboard factory must be able to make it possible for the script to generate content back to the factory.

The single input parameter is an MSXML.IXMLDomNode object that contains the property information for the Web Part property information in Web Part XML format. This makes it possible for the script content to access properties, such as PartStorage, to determine any initialization settings that are present. Script also can access the standard ASP Session, Application, Request, and Response objects to get cookies, post and query string parameters, or get any stored session or application state information.

When processing Web Parts with VBScript or JScript content, the dashboard factory adds the script necessary to call the getContent function and receive generated content. Typically, this is done by inserting a line at the beginning of the script, such as the following:

g_sContentBuffer = getContent(xmlndCurPart);

**Note   **g_sContentBuffer is a global variable in the factory's scope that is used to receive the generated content.

In addition, Web Parts can define an Initialize function. The dashboard factory attempts to call this function on all Web Parts that contain scripts before it calls the getContent function for each script. This makes it possible for Web Parts to begin parallel asynchronous operations before the dashboard factory requests content. The Initialize function has the same signature as the getContent function, which is one parameter containing the properties of the Web Part.

See Also

Web Part Schema Properties | The JScript getContent Function | The VBScript getContent Function