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Using the Logon Method

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The Logon method takes a number of different parameters, as shown in the following code. The parameter you use depends on the requirements of your application.

objSession.Logon( [ProfileName] [, ProfilePassword] [, 
[, NewSession] [, ParentWindow] [, NoMail] [, ProfileInfo] ) 

The two common ways to log on to a CDO session are by passing in a Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) profile name and by passing in the specific information required by CDO to generate a profile dynamically. Dynamically generated profiles are the preferred method when building ASP applications with CDO. Because ASPs cannot access client profiles, CDO has no way to pull information from a profile located on the machine of the user.

For additional information about the CDO Logon method, refer to in the Microsoft® Developer Network (MSDN™) Library.

See Also

CDO Library | Overview of CDO | Using the CDO Session Object