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Using Access to Create SQL Server Databases

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In Microsoft® Access, you can create an Access data project (ADP) that connects to a database residing in Microsoft® SQL Server™. When you are in an ADP, the Access database window shows information about views, database diagrams, and stored procedures that are available in the SQL Server database.

**Note   **If you have an existing Access database you want to use for a workflow application, you must use the Access Upsizing wizard to convert it to a SQL Server database. Then, you can use the Workflow Designer to add workflow and row-level security to your application.

To create a SQL Server database using Access

  1. Open Access.

  2. Select Project (New Data) from the New File window.

  3. Give your project a name, click Create, and follow the steps in the wizard.

    **Note   **To complete the wizard, you must specify a SQL Server. If you do not have Database Creator permissions on that SQL Server, the wizard will not be able to connect and create a database.

  4. When the wizard finishes, you can add tables to complete the design of your schema in the Access Database window.

See Also

Creating Workflow Applications from Databases | Creating SQL Server Database Tables