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Event Order

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Workflow events are evaluated in a particular order by the workflow engine in Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server. For each item in the workflow-enabled folder, the workflow engine evaluates the workflow process to find a match of current state, next state, and condition equaling True.

When an item is created in the workflow-enabled folder, the workflow engine matches Create events first and, if the condition evaluates to True, executes the associated event script procedure. Next, the workflow engine matches Enter events and, if the condition evaluates to True, executes the associated event script procedure.

For existing items in the workflow-enabled folder, the workflow engine looks first for a Change event to match the current state and next state fields. When it finds a Change event, it looks for an Exit event. If it finds an Exit event, it executes the Exit event before proceeding with the Change event. After executing the Exit event, it executes the Change event and then looks for an Enter event. If it finds a matching Enter event and the condition evaluates to True, the associated event script procedure executes.

**Note   **If your workflow process logic never permits the condition or the primary Change event to evaluate to False, none of the other Change events for the state will ever be executed.

See Also

Workflow Applications | Workflow Events | Choosing Workflow Events | Workflow Event Symbols