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Project Properties Dialog Box (Exchange Workflow)

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There are workflow-related properties for all Microsoft® Exchange folders. Because the Workflow Project represents an Exchange folder, the following are Project Properties. All properties appear and can be edited in the Properties dialog box and in the Property Grid.


The name of the project, and file you created on the Exchange server for the project. When the name is changed in this dialog box, the next Save will save to that name, overwriting the old name.

Default Workflow Process

This specifies the default process for the folder. This could be a process in the current folder or an external one. The text box is empty by default. Clicking the (…) button displays the Browse dialog box, which contains the following items.

  1. The title of the dialog box.

  2. The default for the browse is the current Exchange folder that the project represents.

  3. The Workflow Process Definition filter will filter only for *.wfd files.

    Note   The default workflow process cannot be on another server.

The check for errors is done when you click OK or the Apply in the Property Page button.

The default workflow process can be left empty. In that case, no workflow will run. However, if the default workflow process is set to Empty and Enable Workflow is True, then an error will occur.

Workflow is enabled on this folder

This indicates whether the CDO workflow event sink will be registered (if not already) and made active. When cleared, the event sink is inactive. It is cleared by default.

If you set this property to True, but the default workflow process definition is empty, an error will occur.

Script Debugging enabled for this folder

This indicates whether Script Debugging is enabled on the folder. The default is cleared.

Success Entries enabled for this folder

This indicates whether successes are recorded in the log file (in addition to failures). The default is cleared.

Note   Changes to the properties will not be saved out to the Exchange store until the user does an explicit Save of the project.

Ad-Hoc workflow allowed on documents

This option sets the adhocflows flag for a workflow application, by which you can specify that new workflow items use a default workflow process or an ad-hoc workflow process. Ad-hoc workflows can run only in Restricted mode.

The ad-hoc workflow options list has three values:

Value Description
0 (default) Do not allow ad-hoc workflows (default).
1 Permit ad-hoc workflows.
2 Allow only ad-hoc workflows.

When you are deciding which value to set, keep in mind that there are four ways to define workflow processes:

  • A client uses the default workflow process in a folder.

    In a default process workflow, all documents in a workflow folder follow the same process definition. In this case, the process definition is stored at the folder level. Every new document created in that folder inherits a URL to the default process definition for that folder.

  • A client picks from one of many processes installed in a folder. In this scenario, the process definition must be hidden to prevent unintended editing or viewing.

    A client can specify one of many process definitions installed in a folder depending on the class of document. For example, you might have different classes of documents that have different approval behaviors. You use a relative URL to specify the process definition (for example, MyProcessDesign1.wfd).

  • A client picks a process definition from another folder. This requires that ad-hoc workflow be enabled. Ad-hoc workflows can run only in Restricted mode. In this scenario, the process definition must be hidden to prevent unintended editing or viewing.

  • A client submits an item with an embedded process definition. This requires that ad-hoc workflow be enabled. Ad-hoc workflows can run only in Restricted mode.

    Note   If ad-hoc workflow is permitted, you must specify on the document itself what workflow you want acting on that document. When you specify the URL for the ad-hoc workflow, it must be an absolute path.

For more information, search the MSDN online library for ad-hoc process definitions.

Project File

A read-only display of the project file name.

Project Folder

A read-only display of the location of the project folder.

See Also

Developing Office Developer Applications | Creating Projects | Developing Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Workflow Applications Architecture for Exchange Server | Planning a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Building a Workflow Process for Exchange Server