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Process Definition Properties Dialog Box

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The following Workflow Process properties are available. All properties appear and are editable in the Properties dialog box and in the Property Grid.


The name of the process definition you created on the Exchange server for the project. If you supply a new name, then the next time you Save, the project will be saved with that "renamed" name, and the old name will be overwritten. If you enter in a name that is being used in that folder already, then an error will occur.

The name of the process definition must not be empty, and it can not contain any of the following characters: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . / Everything else is a valid name.

Run workflow script in privileged author context

This indicates if the workflow script is run in an administrative security context. If cleared, the script is run in an anonymous user context that has very limited permissions. The default is cleared.

The workflow will run only in privileged mode if the following are all true:

  • The last person to modify the Process Definition is a member of PrivilegedWorkflowAuthors role on this machine.
  • The last person to modify the CommonScript is a member of PrivilegedWorkflowAuthors role on this machine.
  • The last person to modify the Event Registration items is a member of PrivilegedWorkflowAuthors role on this machine.

If any of these conditions are False and the Process Definition is set to Run in privileged mode, then the workflow is stopped, and a security error is logged.

Audit Trail Provider

This indicates the location of the log. The unalterable drop-down list box shows a list of audit providers stored in the AuditTrailProvider BSTR property of the process definition. The property defaults to the first item in the list.

Note   Changes to the properties will not be saved out to the Exchange store until the user does an explicit Save of the process definition.

See Also

Developing Office Developer Applications | Creating Projects | Developing Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Workflow Applications Architecture for Exchange Server | Planning a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Building a Workflow Process for Exchange Server