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Identify Application and Package Screen (Packaging Wizard)

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Use this screen to select the main file you want to package, and to select and edit package definitions, or scripts, for the setup package.

The package definition stores the information used by the Packaging Wizard to create the setup package. You can create multiple packages, which can be edited and stored to facilitate packaging your application in multiple ways.

To launch the Packaging Wizard from the Start menu, select Programs, and then select Microsoft Office XP Developer, and then Packaging Wizard.

  • Select the main file
    Provides the full path name of the application file. The main file is the document that will be scanned for dependencies to determine additional files that should be included in the package. A main file can be any type of file, but is most commonly one of the following types of file.

    **Note   **If the file is not a known type then no dependency information is gathered by the Packaging Wizard.

    Main file types File extensions
    Excel documents *xls, *xlt, *.xlw
    Word documents *.doc, *.dot
    PowerPoint documents *.ppt, *.pps
    VBA projects *.vba
    Access documents *.mdb, *.adp, *.mde, *.ade, *.mda, *.mdw
    Code Librarian files *.clb
    All other files *.*
  • Package name
    Lists all the defined packages for this application. Each package stores information about how to create the setup program for the application. A single main application file can have numerous packages associated with it.

    Edits will change the name of the section header in the packaging definition script file, which is stored as a .pks file in the same folder as the application. If there is a conflicting section header name already existing, you will be prompted to choose another name.

  • New
    Create a new package. When selected, a New Package dialog box appears, so you can create a new package and give it a name.

  • Copy
    Displays a Copy Package dialog box that makes it possible for you to enter a name and create a copy of your package definition. The copy of the package is based on the original package. When you make change in the wizard, the changes are saved to the new copy.

  • Rename
    Displays a Rename Package dialog box that makes it possible for you to rename a package.

  • Delete
    Displays a Packaging Wizard dialog box that asks if you are sure you want to permanently delete the packaging definition.

See Also

Identifying Application and Setup Package Information | Packaging Wizard | Creating a Setup Package Using the Packaging Wizard | The Packaging Process