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Define Types Dialog Box

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Categories and code items have an associated icon and a type that are used to distinguish the code items in the Code Librarian Explorer visually. When a category or code item is selected, its properties show up in the Properties window. To open the Define Types dialog box, click the (…) button in the Type field of the Properties window.

  • Type
    Lists the types available. Select a type in the list, and click OK to select it for the code item or category. Select the type to delete the type or to change the icon.
  • Description
    Displays the description associated with the selected type. To edit the description, select the item type, and then click in the description field.
  • New
    Adds a new type to the list. Sets the icon to the default icon, names the type "New Type," and sets the type name in edit mode. When defining a new type for a code item, the default icon is the code snippet icon. When defining a new type for a category, the default icon is the category (book) icon.
  • Delete
    Removes the selected type. When the type is deleted, all code items or categories set with that type have their type set to nothing.
  • Change Icon button
    Opens the Change Icon dialog box. The chosen icon replaces the icon in the active cell.

See Also

Sharing Code with the Code Librarian | Distributing Code Samples with the Code Librarian Viewer | Code Librarian Explorer Window | Code Editor Window | Search Results Window | Properties Window | Keyword Dialog Box | Find in Code Library Dialog Box