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Build the Application Package Screen (Packaging Wizard)

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When you have finished providing the necessary information for your setup package, you can choose to build the setup program now or to save the package information and build the setup program at a later time.

To launch the Packaging Wizard from the Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft Office XP Developer, and then Packaging Wizard.

  • Build A Setup Program
    This option builds a setup program for your application package. After this screen, you will be prompted to provide a folder location where the wizard will save your setup program files.
  • Save the package script without building
    This option saves only the package definition for your application package, without building the setup program.
  • Finish
    Executes the option you choose and exits the Packaging Wizard.

See Also

Define Start Menu Shortcuts Screen (Packaging Wizard) | Defining Start Menu Shortcuts | Packaging Wizard | Creating a Setup Package Using the Packaging Wizard | The Packaging Process