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ColWordWrapOption, ColWordWrapOptionBand, ColWordWrapOptionFixed, ColWordWrapOptionHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

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Return or set a value that specifies how text is wrapped.


object.ColWordWrapOption(Index) = integerobject.ColWordWrapOptionBand(BandNumber, BandColIndex) = integerobject.ColWordWrapOptionFixed(Index) = integerobject.ColWordWrapOptionHeader(BandNumber, BandColIndex) = integer

Syntax for the ColWordWrapOption, ColWordWrapOptionBand, ColWordWrapOptionFixed, and ColWordWrapOptionHeader properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
Index Long. The number of the column to get or on which to set word wrap. Valid values are in the range of -1 to Cols - 1. Setting this value to – 1 selects all columns.
BandNumber Required. Long. The number of the band to get or on which to set word wrap. The value must be in the range of 0 to Bands - 1.
BandColIndex Required. Long. The number of the column to get or on which to set word wrap. This optional parameter defaults to – 1, indicating all columns in the band. Valid values are – 1 to Cols – 1.
integer A numeric expression that determines how words will wrap, as shown in Settings.


The settings for integer are:

Constant Value Description
flexSingleLine 0 (Default) Displays text on a single line only.
flexWordBreak 1 The lines are broken between words automatically.
flexWordEllipsis 2 Truncates text that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipsis.
flexWordBreakEllipsis 3 Breaks words between lines and adds ellipsis if text does not fit in the rectangle.

See Also

ModHFGrid Control