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Upgrading from Access Workflow Designer for SQL Server

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Workflow Designer for SQL Server introduces a number of changes in schema. Because of this, you must uninstall all of the Access Workflow Designer components on the server and on the client before you install the updated version. Use Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to remove all related programs. You must run an uninstall update procedure that you can find in the Readme file before you uninstall.

Note   If you do not run the uninstall update procedure described in the Readme file before you uninstall Access Workflow Designer, you will lose any applications and templates that you created previously.

When you install the new version of the Workflow Designer, the installation process will:

  1. Stop Microsoft® SQL Server™ services

  2. Update or overwrite the modSystem database

  3. Update each workflow-enabled database

  4. Lay down new dll and exe files

    Note   The offline feature has been removed. Upgrading applications that use offline will cause the loss of that functionality.

Upgrading Office 2000 Developer Applications to Office XP Developer

During the installation, the Workflow Designer for SQL Server will perform the following activities:

Stop SQL Server services

Workflow Designer installation stops all services if SQL Server is running.

Update or overwrite the modSystem database

During installation, you are asked if you want to keep the data that is stored in the modSystem database. This data includes information about all of your workflow processes and templates. If you answer Yes, then installation will leave modSystem intact and just add new dependencies. If you answer No, then installation will overwrite the old modSystem database with a new one and no data will be preserved.

Note   Uninstall leaves the mdf and log files for the modSystem database. Setup detects these files from a previous uninstall and reattaches them to the new modSystem database.

Update each workflow-enabled database

After the modSystem database is updated to the new version, installation will find all workflow-enabled databases and update them as well. During the process, installation will perform the following actions:

Remove publications

Installation removes publications from all workflow-enabled databases that have them. Publications are not recreated, because the workflow designer for SQL Server in Microsoft® Office XP Developer does not use publications.

Add additional stored procedures

New stored procedures are added to each workflow-enabled database:

  • modRegisterApplication
  • modUnregisterApplication
  • modGetProperty
  • modSetProperty

Add additional table

A table named modApplication is added to each workflow-enabled database. ModApplication has the same column set as the modApplications table in the modSystem database.

Lay down new dll and exe files

When the update of components is complete, installation will:

  • Lay down the base dll and exe files required for the new Workflow Designer.
  • Change the instantiation wizard to work with Access Workflow Designer templates.

Script in the Code Editor

The Workflow Designer for SQL Server uses a slightly different convention for names of event procedures and validation procedures than the Access Workflow Designer. When Office XP Developer opens an Access Workflow Designer workflow, it imports all the script blocks as common script and adds a few lines of code where necessary to maintain the same functionality.

For each state, if the name of the function or procedure is the same as the existing function or procedure, then nothing is changed. If the names do not match, the Code Editor will create a function or procedure for all events that already have code and add a call to the existing function or procedure name. For example, if you have a state named State1 that has code for the OnCreate validation procedure, the function name appears this way in Access Workflow Designer:

Function State1_Validate_OnCreate()
End Function

If the name changes from State1 to State3 during installation, this code is added:

Function State3_OnCreateValidate()
   State3_OnCreateValidate = State1_Validate_OnCreate
End Function
Function State1_Validate_OnCreate()
End Function

During the upgrade, if the name assigned to the state causes a function or procedure name to be created that already exists in the code, the Workflow Designer installation will give that state or transition a new name to maintain unique function names. The new function call is then added as usual.

See Also

Upgrading from Previous Versions | Upgrading from Workflow Designer for Exchange 2000