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PropertyPage.Apply Method (Outlook)

Applies the changes that have been made in a custom property page.


expression .Apply

expression A variable that represents a PropertyPage object.

Return Value

An HRESULT value that represents the response of the event.


Because the PropertyPage is an abstract object that is implemented in your application (rather than by Microsoft Outlook itself), the implementation of the Apply method resembles an event procedure in your program code. That is, you write the code that implements the method in much the same way you would write an event procedure. In other words, Outlook calls the Apply method to notify your program that the user has taken an action in the dialog box displaying the custom property page that requires your program to apply the property values changed by the user.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example sets two global variables to reflect the values in controls on a form and then sets a global variable representing the Dirty property to False.

Private Sub PropertyPage_Apply() 
 globWorkGroup = Form1.Text1.Text 
 globUserType = Form1.Combo1.Text 
 globDirty = False 
End Sub

See Also


PropertyPage Object Members

PropertyPage Object