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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Compares two address book entryIDs safely in a Multiple Exchange profile. This function is a replacement function for IAddrBook::CompareEntryIDs.

Header file:


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Client applications and service providers

HRESULT HrCompareABEntryIDsWithExchangeContext(
  const MAPIUID *pEmsmdbUID,
  LPADRBOOK pAddrBook,
  ULONG cbEntryID1,
  ULONG cbEntryID2,
  ULONG ulFlags,
  ULONG * lpulResult


  • pmsess
    [in] The logged on IMAPISession. It cannot be NULL.

  • pEmsmdbUID
    [in] A pointer to an emsmdbUID that identifies the Exchange Service that contains the Exchange Address Book Provider that this function should use to display details on the entry identifier. If the incoming entry identifier is not an Exchange Address Book Provider entry identifier, this parameter is ignored and the function call behaves like IAddrBook::Details. If this parameter is NULL or a zero MAPIUID, this function behaves like IAddrBook::Details.

  • pAddrBook
    [in] The address book used to open the entry identifier. It cannot be NULL.

  • cbEntryID1
    [in] The byte count of the first entry identifier specified by the lpEntryID1 parameter.

  • lpEntryID1
    [in] A pointer to the first entry identifier that represents the address book entry to compare.

  • cbEntryID2
    [in] The byte count of the second entry identifier specified by the lpEntryID2 parameter.

  • lpEntryID2
    [in] A pointer to the second entry identifier used in the comparison that represents the address book entry to compare.

  • ulFlags
    [in] Reserved; must be zero.

  • lpulResult
    [out] A pointer to the location that contains the results of the comparison.