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ComboBox.Recordset Property (Access)

Returns or sets the ADO Recordset or DAO Recordset object representing the record source for the specified object. Read/write Object.


expression .Recordset

expression A variable that represents a ComboBox object.


The Recordset property returns the recordset object that provides the data being browsed in a form, report, list box control, or combo box control. If a form is based on a query, for example, referring to the Recordset property is the equivalent of cloning a Recordset object by using the same query. However, unlike using the RecordsetClone property, changing which record is current in the recordset returned by the form's Recordset property also sets the current record of the form.

The read/write behavior of the Recordset property is determined by the type of recordset (ADO or DAO) and the type of data (Access or SQL) contained in the recordset identified by the property.

Recordset type

Based on SQL data

Based on data stored by the Access database engine







The following example opens a form, opens a recordset, and then binds the form to the recordset by setting the form's Recordset property to the newly created Recordset object.

Global rstSuppliers As ADODB.Recordset 
Sub MakeRW()      
    DoCmd.OpenForm "Suppliers" 
    Set rstSuppliers = New ADODB.Recordset 
    rstSuppliers.CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    rstSuppliers.Open "Select * From Suppliers", _ 
         CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic      
    Set Forms("Suppliers").Recordset = rstSuppliers 
End Sub

Use the Recordset property:

  • To use methods with the Recordset object that aren't directly supported on forms. For example, you can use the Recordset property with the ADO Find or DAO Find methods in a custom dialog for finding a record.

  • To wrap a transaction (which can be rolled back) around a set of edits that affect multiple forms.

Changing a form's Recordset property may also change the RecordSource, RecordsetType, and RecordLocks properties. Also, some data-related properties may be overridden, for example, the Filter, FilterOn, OrderBy, and OrderByOn properties.

Calling the Requery method of a form's recordset (for example, Forms(0).Recordset.Requery) can cause the form to become unbound. To refresh the data in a form bound to a recordset, set the RecordSource property of the form to itself (Forms(0).RecordSource = Forms(0).RecordSource).

  • To bind multiple forms to a common data set. This allows synchronization of multiple forms. For example,
   Set Me.Recordset = Forms!Form1.Recordset

When a form is bound to a recordset, an error occurs if you use the Filter by Form command.


The following example uses the Recordset property to create a new copy of the Recordset object from the current form and then prints the names of the fields in the Debug window.

Sub Print_Field_Names() 
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, intI As Integer 
    Dim fld As Field 
    Set rst = Me.Recordset 
    For Each fld in rst.Fields 
        ' Print field names. 
        Debug.Print fld.Name 
End Sub

The next example uses the Recordset property and the Recordset object to synchronize a recordset with the form's current record. When a company name is selected from a combo box, the FindFirst method is used to locate the record for that company, causing the form to display the found record.

Sub SupplierID_AfterUpdate() 
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 
    Dim strSearchName As String 
    Set rst = Me.Recordset 
    strSearchName = CStr(Me!SupplierID) 
    rst.FindFirst "SupplierID = " & strSearchName 
    If rst.NoMatch Then 
        MsgBox "Record not found" 
    End If 
End Sub

The following code helps to determine what type of recordset is returned by the Recordset property under different conditions.

Sub CheckRSType() 
    Dim rs as Object 
    Set rs=Forms(0).Recordset 
    If TypeOf rs Is DAO.Recordset Then 
        MsgBox "DAO Recordset" 
    ElseIf TypeOf rs is ADODB.Recordset Then 
        MsgBox "ADO Recordset" 
    End If 
End Sub

See Also


ComboBox Object

ComboBox Object Members