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OptionGroup.LabelY Property (Access)


expression .LabelY

expression A variable that represents an OptionGroup object.


If the orientation is left to right for a form or report, LabelX and LabelY behavior matches standard Microsoft Access left-to-right orientation. For more information about orientation, see the Orientation property.

If orientation is right to left, the origin of the coordinate system for LabelX and LabelY is the upper right corner of the attached control. A negative number for LabelX places the label to the right of the control. A negative number for LabelY places the label above the control.

For General and Right alignment when orientation is RTL, LabelX and LabelY specify the location of the upper-right corner of the label relative to the upper-right corner of the label’s attached control. For Left and Center alignment, LabelX and LabelY specify the location of the upper-left corner and top center, respectively, of the label relative to the upper-right corner of the label’s attached control.

See Also


OptionGroup Object Members

OptionGroup Object