Tables of VBA Object Model Changes
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The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object model in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007 and Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 includes new classes, methods, properties, and events that support the new features in Project 2007. For an introduction to the Project object model changes, see VBA Object Model Changes.
You can use the following three tables to help develop or adapt Automation solutions using the Project 2007 object model.
Table 1 compares the VBA, Microsoft .NET Framework, and managed code types to help when you are developing with Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System.
Table 2 lists all of the object model changes in the subclasses of MSProject.
Table 3 lists new enumerations in Project 2007, and shows what class members use them.
The Project 2007 SDK does not include the full VBA Help reference. To access VBA Help, open the Visual Basic Editor in Project, and then click the Help menu or press F1. The VBA Help file for Project 2007 is the Microsoft Help 2.0 format WINPROJDEV.HXS file in the [Program Files]\Microsoft Office\Office12\[LCID] directory, where LCID is the locale ID. For example, the English VBA Help for Project is [Program Files]\Microsoft Office\Office12\1033\WINPROJDEV.HXS.
VBA Help for all Office 2007 client applications is also available in the MSDN Library. For the updated Project VBA reference online, see the Microsoft Office Project 2007 Developer Reference. To access updated help topics for VBA when you are working in the Visual Basic Editor, click the Connection Status menu in the bottom right of the Project Help window and then click Show content from Office Online. For example, the VBA object model maps (such as the Application and Projects Object Map) are available only through online help. For the online fields reference, see
Comparison of Types
Table 1 includes only the data types you are likely to use when developing with the Project object model. For a list of all built-in types, for example, the Microsoft Visual C# Types Reference Tables and the Visual Basic Data Type Summary, see the programmer's references in Visual Studio Help.
Table 1. Comparison of types
VBA Type |
.NET Framework |
Visual C# Alias |
Visual Basic 2005 Alias |
Integer |
System.Int16 |
short |
Short |
Long |
System.Int32 |
int |
Integer |
System.Int64 |
long |
Long |
Boolean |
System.Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
Single |
System.Single |
float |
Single |
Double |
System.Double |
double |
Double |
String |
System.String |
string |
String |
Variant (for dates) |
System.DateTime |
DateTime |
Date |
Variant |
System.Object |
object |
Object |
Void (function does not return a value) |
System.Void |
void |
Void |
Object Model Changes in Project 2007
Table 2 lists only changes (additions and deletions) in the Project 2007 object model compared to the Project 2003 object model. The Properties, Methods, and Events column lists the object members and events that differ. Project 2007 hides the deleted members that were visible and documented in Project 2003. To see hidden members in the Visual Basic Editor, right-click anywhere in the Object Browser window and then click Show Hidden Members.
![]() |
Methods that have changed parameters have Ex (for Extended) appended to the method name. When you record a macro in Project 2007, the macro uses the changed methods. For example, when you are recording a macro and close the project file, the macro records FileCloseEx. The original methods are hidden. Hidden members are not documented in the Project 2007 VBA Help file or in the Project 2007 SDK. |
The Comments column shows whether the class or member is new, changed, or deleted (hidden) in Project 2007. For methods with changed parameters, use named parameters in VBA to avoid introducing errors. For example, OptionsView adds ProjectCurrency as the tenth parameter, between the CurrencyDigits and DisplayOutlineNumber parameters that are present in Project 2003. You can pass a named parameter as shown in the following code example.
Dim result as Boolean
result = OptionsView DisplayOutlineNumber:=True
'Error in tenth parameter:
'result = OptionsView( , , , , , , , , , True)
Methods and events in Table 2 show the signature as extracted from the MSPRJ.OLB object library that is installed with Project Professional 2007. In most cases, the Optional Variant parameter type is actually a type such as Boolean, String, Integer, or Long. The property types in Table 2 are named as they appear in the Visual Basic Editor.
The updated Visual Basic Help for Project 2007 shows the correct signature syntax for methods. For example, the correct syntax of the AreTherePendingJobs method follows:
expression.OpenUndoTransaction(Label, Guid)
expression Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.
LabelString. The undo transaction label.
Guid Optional Guid. The undo transaction GUID.
The class members listed in the first column include the Global and Application classes if they appear that way in the Visual Basic Editor or in the object library, MSPRJ.OLB. Members that are listed only for the Application class do not show as a Global member.
Table 2. Object model changes in Project 2007
Subclasses of MSProject |
Properties, Methods, and Events |
Signature |
Comments |
Global, Application |
AfterUnloadWebBrowserControl method |
Void AfterUnloadWebBrowserControl() |
New |
Global, Application |
Assistance property |
Read Assistance as IAssistance |
New. Defined in the Office library. Includes the ClearDefaultContext, SearchHelp, SetDefaultContext, and ShowHelp methods. |
Global, Application |
CacheSettings method |
Boolean CacheSettings() |
New |
Global, Application |
CacheStatus method |
Boolean CacheStatus() |
Checks status of the cache for the connection with Project Server. Requires a Project Server connection. |
Global, Application |
CalendarWeekHeadingsEx method |
Boolean CalendarWeekHeadings( Optional Variant MonthTitle, Optional Variant WeekTitle, Optional Variant DayTitle, Optional Variant ShowPreview, Optional Variant DaysPerWeek, Optional Variant ShowTitleBeginningEndDates) |
Changed. Added optional parameter ShowTitleBeginningEndDates.Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
ChangeWorkingTimeEx method |
Boolean ChangeWorkingTime( Optional Variant CalendarName, Optional Variant Locked, Optional Variant SelectedDate, Optional Variant ProjectName) |
Changed: added optional parameters SelectedDate and ProjectName. |
Global, Application |
CheckResourceErrors method |
Boolean CheckResourceErrors( Optional Variant LocalRUID, Optional Variant ResetImport, Optional Variant CheckEnterprise) |
New. Checks for errors when resources are imported or when the enterprise resource pool is saved. |
Global, Application |
CheckTaskErrors method |
Boolean CheckTaskErrors( Optional Variant TaskID) |
New. Checks the task to ensure that required custom fields are filled and that the calendar has the enterprise calendar type. |
Global, Application |
CleanupCache method |
Boolean CleanupCache() |
New. Displays the Cleanup Cache dialog box. Project Professional only. |
Global, Application |
CloseUndoTransaction method |
Void CloseUndoTransaction() |
New. Implemented as a subroutine. Used with OpenUndoTransaction to create an undo set for a series of operations. See How to: Create and Use a Transaction Set for Multiple Undo/Redo Actions. |
Global, Application |
CommitmentsPane method |
Boolean CommitmentsPane() |
New. Opens the Deliverables Web pane. Project Professional only. |
Global, Application |
CreateEnterpriseCalendar method |
Boolean CreateEnterpriseCalendar() |
New. Creates an enterprise calendar. |
Global, Application |
CreateWebAccount method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
CustomFieldDelete method |
Boolean CustomFieldDelete( Long Field) |
New. Deletes the specified custom field. |
Global, Application |
CustomFieldMappingDialog method |
Boolean CustomFieldMappingDialog( Optional Variant TaskCustomFields) |
New. Returns True if custom task fields can be imported by using a mapping dialog. |
Global, Application |
CustomFieldPropertiesEx method |
Boolean CustomFieldProperties( PjCustomField FieldID, Optional PjCustomFieldAttribute Attribute = -1, Optional PjSummaryCalc SummaryCalc = -1, Optional Variant GraphicalIndicators, Optional Variant Required, Optional Variant AutomaticallyRolldownToAssn) |
Changed: added parameter AutomaticallyRolldownToAssn. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
CustomOutlineCodeEditEx method |
Boolean CustomOutlineCodeEdit( PjCustomField FieldId, Optional Variant Level, Optional PjCustomOutlineCodeSequence Sequence = -1, Optional Variant Length, Optional String Separator, Optional Boolean OnlyLookUpTableCodes, Optional Boolean OnlyCompleteCodes, Optional Variant LookupTableLink, Optional Boolean OnlyLeaves, Optional Boolean MatchGeneric, Optional Boolean RequiredCode, Optional Variant LookupDefault, Optional Variant DefaultValue, Optional Variant SortOrder) |
Changed: added parameters Lookupdefault, DefaultValue, and SortOrder. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
DependenciesPane method |
Boolean DependenciesPane() |
New. Shows the project Dependencies pane when connected to Project Server. |
Global, Application |
EditEnterpriseCalendar method |
Boolean EditEnterpriseCalendar( Optional Variant UniqueID) |
New. Edits an enterprise calendar. |
Global, Application |
EditRedo method |
Boolean EditRedo() |
New. Redoes the top item on the redo stack. |
Global, Application |
EditUndo method |
Boolean EditUndo() |
Changed: undoes the top item on the undo stack. |
Global, Application |
EnableChangeHighlighting property |
EnableChangeHighlighting as Boolean |
Shows whether change highlighting is enabled. False by default. See also ToggleHangHighlighting. |
Global, Application |
EnterpriseCustomizeFields method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. Opens the Custom Fields dialog box. |
Global, Application |
EnterpriseCustomOutlineCodeShare method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. Does nothing. |
Global, Application |
EnterpriseCustomOutlineCodeShare method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
EnterpriseResourcesImportEx method |
Boolean EnterpriseResourcesImport( Optional Variant LocalRUIDs, Optional Variant UseImportColumn) |
Changed: added parameter UseImportColumn. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
FileCloseEx method |
Boolean FileClose( Optional PJSAVETYPE Save = 2, Optional Variant NoAuto, Optional Variant CheckIn) |
Changed: added parameter CheckIn. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
FileCloseAllEx method |
Boolean FileCloseAll( Optional PJSAVETYPE Save = 2, Optional Variant CheckIn) |
Changed: added parameter CheckIn. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
FileOpenEx method |
Boolean FileOpen( Optional Variant Name, Optional Variant ReadOnly, Optional Variant Merge, Optional Variant TaskInformation, Optional Variant Table, Optional Variant Sheet, Optional Variant NoAuto, Optional Variant UserID, Optional Variant DatabasePassWord, Optional Variant FormatID, Optional Variant Map, Optional Variant openPool = 0, Optional Variant Password, Optional Variant WriteResPassword, Optional Variant IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Optional Variant XMLName, Optional Variant DoNotLoadFromEnterprise) |
Changed: added parameter DoNotLoadFromEnterprise. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
FileSearch property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
FontEx method |
Boolean Font( Optional Variant Name, Optional Variant Size, Optional Variant Bold, Optional Variant Italic, Optional Variant Underline, Optional Variant Color, Optional Variant Reset, Optional Variant CellColor, Optional Variant Pattern) |
Changed: added parameters CellColor and Pattern. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
GetCellInfo method |
Cell GetCellInfo( Integer x, Integer y) |
New. Gets the cell object at the specified x,y coordinates. |
Global, Application |
GetRedoListCount method |
Long GetRedoListCount() |
New. Returns the number of items in the redo list. |
Global, Application |
GetRedoListItem method |
String GetRedoListItem( Long ItemIndex) |
New. Returns the label of the specified redo list item. |
Global, Application |
GetUndoListCount method |
Long GetUndoListCount() |
New. Returns the number of items in the undo list. |
Global, Application |
GetUndoListItem method |
String GetUndoListItem( Long ItemIndex) |
New. Returns the label of the specified undo list item. |
Global, Application |
GetProjectServerSettingsEx method |
String GetProjectServerSettingsEx() |
Changed. Removed parameters RequestXML and Project. Project Professional 2007 only. |
Global, Application |
GetThemedColor method |
String GetThemedColor( PjThemeElement elementType) |
New. Gets the color of the specified theme element. |
Global, Application |
ImportResourceList method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
IsCommandEnabled method |
Long IsCommandEnabled( String CommandName) |
New. Enables the specified command. |
Global, Application |
IsOffline method |
Boolean IsOffline() |
New. Returns False if Project Professional is connected to Project Server. |
Global, Application |
IsReducedFunctionalityMode method |
Boolean IsReducedFunctionalityMode() |
New. |
Global, Application |
IsUndoingOrRedoing method |
Boolean IsUndoingOrRedoing() |
New. Checks whether Project is currently executing an undo or redo action. Use the Application.OnUndoOrRedo event to listen for specific undo or redo actions. |
Global, Application |
LoadWebBrowserControlEx method |
LoadWebBrowserControl( String TargetPage, Optional Variant WrapperPage, Optional Variant FunctionalityName) |
Changed. Added parameter FunctionalityName for new features in the Project Guide. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
LoadWebPaneControl method |
Boolean LoadWebPaneControl( String TargetPage, Optional Variant WrapperPage) |
New. Supports the new Web pane that hosts the Task Drivers, Project/Resource Import Wizard, and Deliverables features. Similar to the LoadWebBrowserControl method for the Project Guide, except the TargetPage is a URL and the method generates an Application.LoadWebPane event. The default WrapperPage is Mainpage_wp.htm. |
Global, Application |
LookupTableAddEx method |
Boolean LookupTableAdd( PjCustomField FieldID, Optional Variant Level, Optional Variant Code, Optional Variant Description, Optional Variant Phonetic) |
Changed: added Phonetic parameter. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
MailSendScheduleNote method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
MakeFieldEnterprise method |
Boolean MakeFieldEnterprise( Optional Variant FieldID, Optional Variant FieldName, Optional Variant LookupTableName) |
New. Project Professional only. |
Global, Application |
MakeLocalCalendarEnterprise method |
Boolean MakeLocalCalendarEnterprise( Optional Variant OldName, Optional Variant NewName) |
New. Project Professional 2007 only. |
Global, Application |
OpenUndoTransaction method |
Void OpenUndoTransaction( String Label, Optional Variant Guid) |
New. Used with CloseUndoTransaction to create an undo set for a series of operations. See How to: Create and Use a Transaction Set for Multiple Undo/Redo Actions. |
Global, Application |
OptionsGeneralEx method |
Boolean OptionsGeneral( Optional Variant PlanningWizard, Optional Variant WizardUsage, Optional Variant WizardErrors, Optional Variant WizardScheduling, Optional Variant ShowTipOfDay, Optional Variant AutoAddResources, Optional Variant StandardRate, Optional Variant OvertimeRate, Optional Variant LastFile, Optional Variant SummaryInfo, Optional Variant UserName, Optional Variant SetDefaults, Optional Variant ShowWelcome, Optional Variant AutoFilter, Optional Variant MacroVirusProtection, Optional Variant DisplayRecentFiles, Optional Variant RecentFilesMaximum, Optional Variant FontConversion, Optional Variant ShowStartupWorkpane, Optional Variant MaxUndoRecords) |
Changed: added parameter MaxUndoRecords. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
OptionsInterfaceEx method |
Boolean OptionsInterface( Optional Variant ShowResourceAssignmentIndicators, Optional Variant ShowEditToStartFinishDates, Optional Variant ShowEditsToWorkUnitsDurationIndicators, Optional Variant ShowDeletionInNameColumn, Optional Variant DisplayProjectGuide, Optional Variant ProjectGuideUseDefaultFunctionalLayoutPage, Optional Variant ProjectGuideFunctionalLayoutPage, Optional Variant ProjectGuideUseDefaultContent, Optional Variant ProjectGuideContent, Optional Variant SetAsDefaults, Optional Variant UseOMIDs) |
Changed: added parameter UseOMIDs. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
OptionsSecurityEx method |
Boolean OptionsSecurity( Optional Variant RemoveFileProperties, Optional Variant TrustWSS, Optional Variant LegacyFileFormats) |
Changed: added parameters TrustWSS and LegacyFileFormats. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
OptionsViewEx method |
Boolean OptionsView( Optional Variant DefaultView, Optional Variant DateFormat, Optional Variant ProjectSummary, Optional Variant DisplayStatusBar, Optional Variant DisplayEntryBar, Optional Variant DisplayScrollBars, Optional Variant CurrencySymbol, Optional Variant SymbolPlacement, Optional Variant CurrencyDigits, Optional Variant ProjectCurrency, Optional Variant DisplayOutlineNumber, Optional Variant DisplayOutlineSymbols, Optional Variant DisplayNameIndent, Optional Variant DisplaySummaryTasks, Optional Variant DisplayOLEIndicator, Optional Variant DisplayExternalSuccessors, Optional Variant DisplayExternalPredecessors, Optional Variant CrossProjectLinksInfo, Optional Variant AcceptNewExternalData, Optional Variant DisplayWindowsInTaskbar, Optional Variant DisplayScreentips, Optional Variant CalendarType, Optional Variant Use3DLook) |
Changed: added parameters ProjectCurrency, CalendarType, and Use3DLook. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
OptionsWorkgroup method |
Boolean OptionsWorkgroup( Optional Variant WorkgroupMessages, Optional Variant ServerURL, Optional Variant ServerPath, Optional Variant ReceiveNotifications, Optional Variant SendHyperlinkNote, Optional Variant HyperlinkColor, Optional Variant FollowedHyperlinkColor, Optional Variant UnderlineHyperlinks, Optional Variant SetDefaults, Optional Variant ServerIdentification, Optional Variant AllowTaskDelegation, Optional Variant UpdateProjectToWeb, Optional Variant PublishInformationOnSave, Optional Variant SetDefaultsMessaging, Optional Variant SetDefaultsWebServer, Optional Variant ManagerEmail, Optional Variant ConfirmationDialog, Optional Variant ChangesMarkAssnDirty) |
Changed: added parameter TrustWssSites. |
Global, Application |
Publish method |
Boolean Publish( Optional Variant Republish, Optional Variant WssUrl) |
New. Sends message to Project Server Queuing Service to publish the local project cache to Project Server, and optionally to the associated Windows SharePoint Services project site. Project Professional only. |
Global, Application |
PublishAllInformation method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
PublishNewAndChangedAssignments method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
PublishProjectPlan method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
Redo method |
Boolean Redo ( Optional Long HowManyRedos = 1) |
New. Supports multiple Undo and Redo calls. The default value of HowManyRedos is 1. |
Global, Application |
RepublishAssignments method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
ResetTrackingMethod method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
ResourceMappingDialog method |
Boolean ResourceMappingDialog() |
New. Shows the Map Project Resources onto Enterprise Resources dialog box. If successful, returns true. Project Professional only. |
Global, Application |
SaveForSharing method |
Boolean SaveForSharing( Optional Variant FileName) |
New. Shows the Save As dialog box for saving a local copy of the project file for sharing. Project Professional 2007 only. |
Global, Application |
SearchFiles method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
SummaryResourceAssignmentsRefresh method |
Boolean SummaryResourceAssignmentsRefresh () |
New. See also Assignment.Summary. |
Global, Application |
TaskDrivers method |
Boolean TaskDrivers() |
New. Shows the Task Drivers pane. |
Global, Application |
TextStylesEx method |
Boolean TextStyles( Optional Variant Item, Optional Variant Font, Optional Variant Size, Optional Variant Bold, Optional Variant Italic, Optional Variant Underline, Optional Variant Color, Optional Variant CellColor, Optional Variant Pattern) |
Changed: added parameters CellColor and Pattern. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Global, Application |
ToggleChangeHighlighting method |
Boolean ToggleChangeHighlighting() |
New. Toggles calculation change highlighting on or off. See also EnableChangeHighlighting. |
Global, Application |
TrustProjectServerAndWSSPages property |
TrustProjectServerAndWSSPages as Boolean |
New. |
Global, Application |
Undo method |
Boolean Undo( Optional Long HowManyUndos = 1) |
New. Supports multiple Undo and Redo calls. |
Global, Application |
UndoClear method |
Void UndoClear() |
New. Clears items in the undo list. |
Global, Application |
UndoLevels property |
UndoLevels as Long |
New. Gets or sets the number of undo levels. The default is 20; the minimum is 1 (no multilevel undo). |
Global, Application |
UpdateProjectToWeb method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
Use3DLook property |
Use3DLook as Boolean |
New. Set True to display Gantt bars in 3D. |
Global, Application |
UseOMIDs property |
UseOMIDs as Boolean |
New. Object Matching Identifier (OMID) fields are added to objects that can be shared across multilanguage versions. The following objects include an OMID: Calendar, Filter, Form, Group, Report, Table, and View. Project 2007 uses OMIDs to match similar elements in a multilanguage installation and avoid multiple language elements in the UI. |
Global, Application |
VisualReports method |
Boolean VisualReports( Optional PjVisualReportsTab PjVisualReportsTab = 0) |
New. Opens the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box to the specified tab. The default tab is All (pjTabAll). Returns False if successful. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsAdditionalTemplatePath property |
VisualReportsAdditionalTemplatePath as String[] |
New. Array of Visual Report template paths. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsEdit method |
Boolean VisualReportsEdit( Optional String strReportTemplatePath, Optional PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsDataLevel) |
New. Opens the default or specified Visual Reports template for editing, as if the user clicks Edit Template in the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsNewTemplate method |
Boolean VisualReportsNewTemplate( Optional PjVisualReportsTemplateType PjVisualReportsTemplateType, Optional PjVisualReportsCubeType PjVisualReportsCubeType, Optional Boolean ReportAllFields, Optional PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsDataLevel) |
New. Creates a new Visual Reports template. The default template type is pjExcel and the default cube type is pjTaskTP. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsSaveCube method |
Boolean VisualReportsSaveCube( Optional String strNamePath, Optional PjVisualReportsCubeType PjVisualReportsCubeType, Optional PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsDataLevel) |
New. Saves a Visual Reports cube to the default or specified directory. The default cube type is timephased task (pjTaskTP). |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsSaveDatabase method |
Boolean VisualReportsSaveDatabase( Optional String strNamePath, Optional PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsDataLevel) |
New. Saves a Visual Reports database to the default or specified directory. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportsView method |
Boolean VisualReportsView( Optional String strVisualReportTemplateFile, Optional PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsDataLevel) |
New. Opens the default or specified Visual Reports file for viewing. |
Global, Application |
VisualReportTemplateList property |
VisualReportTemplateList as ReportTemplates |
New. Returns the ReportTemplates collection object. |
Global, Application |
WebInBox method |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Global, Application |
WorkOffline method |
Boolean WorkOffline( Optional VariantfOffline) |
New. Closes the connection to Project Server, and optionally saves work to an offline file. Project Professional only. |
ActualStartDrivers |
Class |
N/A |
New class. Supports the Task Drivers feature that shows the predecessors and conditions that affect task start date. See also the ChildDrivers, CalendarDrivers, StartDriver, and PredecessorDrivers classes. |
ActualStartDrivers |
Application property |
Read Application as Application |
New. Returns the Application object (Microsoft Project) for the active project in which the task drivers are calculated. |
ActualStartDrivers |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. Number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task, and the number of items that are shown in the Task Driverspane. Always in the range 0–5; if TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so only the total count is shown, not the individual items. |
ActualStartDrivers |
Item property |
Read Item(Long Index) as Assignment |
New. Item that affects the ActualStart property of a Task. |
ActualStartDrivers |
Parent property |
Read Parent as Task |
New. The parent Task for which the task drivers are calculated. |
ActualStartDrivers |
TotalDetectedCount property |
Read TotalDetectedCount as Long |
New. Total number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task. If TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so that individual items are not shown in the Task Drivers pane. |
Application |
AfterCubeBuilt event |
AfterCubeBuilt( String CubeFileName) |
New. Event fires when the OLAP cube-building process completes. |
Application |
CalendarWeekHeadingsEx method |
Boolean CalendarWeekHeadings( Optional Variant MonthTitle, Optional Variant WeekTitle, Optional Variant DayTitle, Optional Variant ShowPreview, Optional Variant DaysPerWeek, Optional Variant ShowTitleBeginningEndDates) |
Changed: added ShowTitleBeginningEndDates parameter. Added Ex suffix to method name. |
Application |
ImportCommitment method |
Boolean ImportCommitment( Optional Variant CommitmentDate, Optional Variant CommitmentGuid) |
New. Project Professional 2007 only. |
Application |
ImportProjectFromWSS method |
Boolean ImportProjectFromWSS( String Url) |
New. Imports a Project Collaboration Module (PCM) from Windows SharePoint Services into Project Professional. The Url parameter must include the viewname.aspx suffix; otherwise, Project uses the default view. Project Professional only. |
Application |
LoadWebPane event |
LoadWebPane( Window Window, String TargetPage) |
New. Similar to LoadWebPage event, except LoadWebPane occurs when Project loads a Web pane for Task Drivers, Deliverables, or the Project/Resource Import Wizard. |
Application |
OnUndoOrRedo event |
OnUndoOrRedo( String bstrLabel, String bstrGUID, Boolean fUndo) |
New. Traps an undo or redo event. Use the event to manage specific undo or redo actions specified by the global OpenUndoTransaction and CloseUndoTransaction. |
Application |
PaneActivate event |
PaneActivate() |
New. Traps pane activation events. |
Application |
ProjectBeforePublish event |
ProjectBeforePublish( Project pj, Boolean Cancel) |
New. Traps before publish event. Commonly used to check if certain conditions are satisfied, and cancel publishing if they are not. Project Professional only. |
Application |
SaveCompletedToServer event |
SaveCompletedToServer( String bstrName, String bstrprojGuid) |
New. Event occurs when Project Professional receives a message from the Project Server Queuing Service that the save operation is completed. Project Professional only. |
Application |
SaveStartingToServer event |
SaveStartingToServer( String bstrName, String bstrprojGuid) |
New. Event occurs when Project Professional receives a message from the Project Server Queuing Service that the save operation is starting and publishing can no longer be cancelled. Project Professional only. |
Application |
SecondaryViewChange event |
SecondaryViewChange ( Window Window, View prevView, View newView, Boolean success) |
New. Event occurs when a secondary view pane changes. |
Application |
UseMLUXMLLogging property |
UseMLUXMLLogging as Boolean |
New. Logs multilevel undo actions. |
Assignment |
Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost as Variant |
New. Supports budget tracking. |
Assignment |
BaselineBudgetCost property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetCost as Variant |
New. Supports budget tracking. |
Assignment |
BaselineBudgetWork property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetWork as Variant |
New. Supports budget tracking. |
Assignment |
BookingType property |
Read-write BookingType as PjBookingTypes |
New. Member of Resource class in Project 2003. Member of both Assignment and Resource classes in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
BudgetCost property |
Read-write BudgetCost as Variant |
New. Supports budget tracking. |
Assignment |
BudgetWork property |
Read-write BudgetWork as Variant |
New. Supports budget tracking. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseCost[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. Enterprise custom fields do not have fixed numbers. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseDate[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseDuration[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseFlag[1-20] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseNumber[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseResourceMultiValue[20-29] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseResourceOutlineCode[1-29] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseResourceRBS property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
EnterpriseText[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Assignment |
Guid property |
Read Guid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the assignment object. |
Assignment |
Owner property |
Read-write Owner as String |
New. Sets or gets the name of the assignment owner. |
Assignment |
ResourceGuid property |
Read ResourceGuid as String |
New. Returns or sets the class identifier (unique ID) of the resource. |
Assignment |
Summary property |
Read Summary as String |
New. See also Application.SummaryResourceAssignmentsRefresh method. |
Assignment |
TaskGuid property |
Read TaskGuid as String |
New. Returns or sets the class identifier (unique ID) of the task. |
Assignment |
WBS property |
Read WBS as String |
New. Returns or sets the work breakdown structure code of a task. |
Calendar |
WorkWeeks property |
Read WorkWeeks as WorkWeeks |
New. Type WorkWeeks is a new collection class. Contains the work weeks of the calendar. |
Calendar |
Exceptions property |
Read Exceptions as Exceptions |
New. Type Exceptions is a new collection class. Contains the exceptions of the calendar. |
Calendar |
Guid property |
Read-write Guid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the calendar object. |
Calendar |
ResourceGuid property |
Read-write ResourceGuid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the resource. |
CalendarDrivers |
Class |
N/A |
New class. Supports the Task Drivers feature that shows the predecessors and conditions that affect task start date. See also the ChildDrivers, ActualStartDrivers, StartDriver, and PredecessorDrivers classes. |
CalendarDrivers |
Application property |
Read Application as Application |
New. Returns the Application object (Microsoft Project) for the active project in which the task drivers are calculated. |
CalendarDrivers |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. Number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task, and the number of items that are shown in the Task Driverspane. Always in the range 0–5; if TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so only the total count is shown, not the individual items. |
CalendarDrivers |
Item property |
Read Item(Long Index) as Resource |
New. Resource calendar item that affects the ActualStart property of a Task. |
CalendarDrivers |
Parent property |
Read Parent as Task |
New. The parent Task for which the task drivers are calculated. |
CalendarDrivers |
TotalDetectedCount property |
Read TotalDetectedCount as Long |
New. Total number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task. If TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so that individual items are not shown in the Task Drivers pane. |
Cell |
CellColor property |
CellColor as PjColor |
New for Cell object. Background color of the cell. In Project 2003 as GroupCriterion property only. |
Cell |
FontColor property |
FontColor as PjColor |
New for Cell object. Foreground color of the cell font. In Project 2003 as GroupCriterion property only. |
Cell |
Pattern property |
Pattern as PjBackgroundPattern |
New for Cell object. Background pattern of the cell. In Project 2003 as GroupCriterion property only. |
ChildDrivers |
New class. Supports the Task Drivers feature. See also the ActualStartDrivers, CalendarDrivers, StartDriver, and PredecessorStartDrivers classes. |
ChildDrivers |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. Number of child task dependency items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task, and the number of items that are shown in the Task Drivers pane. Always in the range 0–5; if TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so only the total count is shown, not the individual items. |
ChildDrivers |
Item property |
Read Item(Long Index) as Task |
New. Child task item shown in the Task Drivers pane that affects the ActualStart property of a Task. |
ChildDrivers |
Parent property |
Read Parent as Task |
New. The parent Task for which the child task drivers are calculated. |
ChildDrivers |
TotalDetectedCount property |
Read TotalDetectedCount as Long |
New. Total number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task. If TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so that individual items are not shown in the Task Drivers pane. |
Exception |
Class |
N/A |
New class. Represents a single calendar exception. |
Exception |
DaysOfWeek property |
Read-write DaysOfWeek as Long |
New. Bitmask for weekly type exceptions. Bit 0 = 1 indicates that Sunday is an exception weekday, and so forth. |
Exception |
Delete method |
Void Delete() |
New. Deletes the exception. |
Exception |
Finish property |
Read-write Finish as Variant |
New. Effective end date of the calendar exception. Writing to Exception.Finish can change the Occurrences count. |
Exception |
Index property |
Read Index as Long |
New. Index of the Exception object in the parent Exceptions collection. |
Exception |
Month property |
Read-write Month as PjMonth |
New. Month of the Exception for recurrences of monthly and yearly type. |
Exception |
MonthDay property |
Read-write MonthDay as Long |
New. Day of the month (such as the 1st or 31st) for recurrences of monthly and yearly type. |
Exception |
MonthItem property |
Read-write MonthItem as PjExceptionItem |
New. Month item for recurrences of positional type such as pjItemDay or pjItemWeekDay. |
Exception |
MonthPosition property |
Read-write MonthPosition as PjExceptionPosition |
New. Position for recurrences of positional type such as pjFirst, pjSecond, or pjLast. |
Exception |
Name property |
Read-write Name as String |
New. Name of the exception. |
Exception |
Occurrences property |
Read-write Occurrences as Long |
New. Number of occurrences for the exception. Writing to Exception.Occurrences can change the Finish date. |
Exception |
Period property |
Read-write Period as Long |
New. Period between exception occurrences; supported for most exception types. For example, if Type = pjMonthlyPositional and Period = 3, then the period is "every 3 months." |
Exception |
Shift[1-5] property |
Read Shift[1-5] as Shift |
New. Configuration of Shift1 … Shift5 for the exception. Returns a Shift object representing a shift of the Exception object. Each exception entry can have only one definition of a day; that implies the same shift pattern is in effect for each day of the exception. |
Exception |
Start property |
Read-write Start as Variant |
New. Effective start day of the exception. Writing to Exception.Start can change the Occurrences count). |
Exception |
Type property |
Read-write Type as PjExceptionType |
New. Type of the exception such as pjDaily or pjMonthlyPositional. |
Exceptions |
Class |
N/A |
New collection class. Contains Exception objects. |
Exceptions |
Add method |
Exception Add( PjExceptionType Type, Variant Start, Optional Variant Finish, Optional Variant Occurrences, Optional Variant Name, Optional Variant Period, Optional Variant DaysOfWeek, Optional Variant MonthPosition, Optional Variant MonthItem, Optional Variant Month, Optional Variant MonthDay) |
New. Adds an exception to the Calendar object. |
Exceptions |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. Number of exceptions in the Calendar object. |
Exceptions |
Item property |
Read Item(Index) as Exception |
New. Gets an exception by index. |
LookupTableEntry |
Cookie property |
Read Cookie as String |
New. |
LookupTableEntry |
LocalizedCookie property |
Read LocalizedCookie as String |
New. |
OutlineCode |
DefaultValue property |
Read-write DefaultValue as String |
New. |
OutlineCode |
SortOrder property |
Read-write SortOrder as PjListOrder |
New. The order in which the items in the outline code lookup table are displayed. Can be one of the PjListOrder constants. |
PredecessorDrivers |
Class |
N/A |
New class. Supports the Task Drivers feature. See also the ChildDrivers, CalendarDrivers, StartDriver, and ActualStartDriver classes. |
PredecessorDrivers |
Application property |
Read Application as Application |
New. Returns the Application object (Microsoft Project) for the active project in which the task drivers are calculated. |
PredecessorDrivers |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. Number of predecessor task dependency items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task, and the number of items that are shown in the Task Driverspane. Always in the range 0–5; if TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so only the total count is shown, not the individual items. |
PredecessorDrivers |
Item property |
Read Item(Long Index) as TaskDependency |
New. Task dependency item shown in the Task Drivers pane that affects the ActualStart property of a Task. Index is 1–5. |
PredecessorDrivers |
Parent property |
Read Parent as Task |
New. The parent Task for which the task dependencies are calculated. |
PredecessorDrivers |
TotalDetectedCount property |
Read TotalDetectedCount as Long |
New. Total number of items that affect the ActualStart property of a Task. If TotalDetectedCount > 5, Count = 0 so that individual items are not shown in the Task Drivers pane. |
Project |
DeliverableAcceptChanges method |
Boolean DeliverableAcceptChanges( String DeliverableGuid) |
New. Accepts changes in the specified deliverable. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableCreate method |
String DeliverableCreate( String DeliverableName, Variant DeliverableStartDate, Variant DeliverableFinishDate, String TaskGuid) |
New. Creates a deliverable for a specified task. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableDelete method |
Boolean DeliverableDelete( String DeliverableGuid) |
New. Deletes the specified deliverable. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableDependencyCreate method |
Boolean DeliverableDependencyCreate( String DeliverableGuid, String TaskGuid) |
New. Creates a deliverable dependency for the specified task. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableDependencyDelete method |
Boolean DeliverableDependencyDelete( String DeliverableGuid) |
New. Deletes the specified deliverable dependency. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableLinkToProject method |
Boolean DeliverableLinkToProject( String DeliverableGuid) |
New. Links the specified deliverable to the active project. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableLinkToTask method |
Boolean DeliverableLinkToTask( String DeliverableGuid, String TaskGuid) |
New. Links the specified deliverable to the specified task. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableRefreshServerCache method |
Boolean DeliverableRefreshServerCache() |
New. Refreshes the cache for Deliverables available in Project Server. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverablesClearAll method |
Boolean DeliverablesClearAll () |
New. Clears all deliverables in the active project. |
Project |
DeliverablesGetByProject method |
String DeliverablesGetByProject( String ProjectGuid) |
New. Gets Deliverables for the specified project from Project Server. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverablesGetProviderProjects method |
String DeliverablesGetProviderProjects() |
New. Gets projects that provide Deliverables from Project Server. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverablesGetServerCachedXml method |
String DeliverablesGetServerCachedXml() |
New. Gets cached XML data for Deliverables from Project Server. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverablesGetXml method |
String DeliverablesGetXml() |
New. Gets the local XML data for Deliverables. Project Professional only. |
Project |
DeliverableUpdate method |
Boolean DeliverableUpdate( String DeliverableGuid, String DeliverableUpdateXml) |
New. Updates the specified deliverable. Project Professional only. |
Project |
CurrencyCode property |
CurrencyCode as String |
New. Three-character ISO standard currency code of the project. |
Project |
GetDisplayNameFromObjectMatchingID method |
String GetDisplayNameFromObjectMatchingID( PjOrganizer ObjectType, String MatchingID) |
New. Returns the display name of an object. |
Project |
GetObjectMatchingID method |
String GetObjectMatchingID( PjOrganizer ObjectType, String ObjectName) |
New. Returns the matching ID of an object. |
Project |
GetServerProjectGuid method |
String GetServerProjectGuid() |
New. Returns the GUID for the enterprise project. |
Project |
GetTaskIndexByGuid method |
Long GetTaskIndexByGuid( String TaskGuid) |
New. Gets the index number of the specified task. |
Project |
GetWinProjURLs method |
Variant GetWinProjURLs() |
New. Returns the URLs associated with the active enterprise project as an XML string. |
Project |
ImportResourceErrorCount method |
Long ImportResourceErrorCount() |
New. Returns the number of errors generated by a resource import operation. |
Project |
IsTemplate property |
Read IsTemplate as Boolean |
New. Returns True if the project is a template. |
Project |
LocalResourceCount method |
Long LocalResourceCount() |
New. Returns the number of local resources in the project. See also ResourceCount. |
Project |
LocalResourceErrorCount method |
Long LocalResourceErrorCount() |
New. Returns the number of local resource errors. |
Project |
PublishInformationOnSave Property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Project |
ReadWssData |
Variant ReadWssData( String ProjectGuid) |
New. Returns the project workspace URLs for the active enterprise project as an XML string. |
Project |
ResourceCount method |
Long ResourceCount() |
New. Returns the number of resources in the project. See also LocalResourceCount. |
Project |
ResourceErrorCount method |
Long ResourceErrorCount() |
New. Returns the number of resource errors. |
Project |
SetObjectMatchingID method |
Void SetObjectMatchingID( PjOrganizer ObjectType, String ObjectName, String MatchingID) |
New. Sets the matching ID of an object. |
Project |
TaskErrorCount property |
Read TaskErrorCount as Long |
New. Returns the number of errors in project tasks, for example task calendars that are non-enterprise and required custom fields that are not specified. |
ReportTemplate |
Class |
N/A |
New class |
ReportTemplate |
CubeType property |
Read CubeType as PjVisualReportsCubeType |
New. Specifies the type of information in the report (task, resource, or assignment). |
ReportTemplate |
TemplateType property |
Read ReportType as PjVisualReportsTemplateType |
New. This can be either pjExcel or pjVisio. Specifies the application that will be used to render the report. |
ReportTemplate |
TemplatePath property |
Read TemplatePath as String |
New. The report template file path. |
ReportTemplates |
Class |
N/A |
New collection class |
ReportTemplates |
Count property |
Read Count as Long |
New. The number of report templates in the collection. |
ReportTemplates |
Item property |
Read Item(Long Index) as ReportTemplate |
New. Returns a report template in the collection. |
Resource |
Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget cost for a resource. |
Resource |
Baseline[1-10]BudgetWork property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]BudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget work (in hours) for a resource. |
Resource |
BaselineBudgetCost property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget cost for a resource. |
Resource |
BaselineBudgetWork property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget work (in hours) for a resource. |
Resource |
Budget property |
Read-write Budget as Variant |
New. Flag indicating whether the specified resource is a budget resource. |
Resource |
BudgetCost property |
Read-write BudgetCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the budget cost for a resource. |
Resource |
BudgetWork property |
Read-write BudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the budget work (in hours) for a resource. |
Resource |
CalendarGuid property |
Read CalendarGuid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the resource calendar. |
Resource |
DefaultAssignmentOwner property |
Read-write DefaultAssignmentOwner as String |
New. Sets or gets the user name responsible for providing progress updates for assignments made to the resource. |
Resource |
EnterpriseCost[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. Enterprise custom fields do not have fixed numbers. |
Resource |
EnterpriseDate[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseDuration[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseFlag[1-20] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseMultiValue[20-29] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseNumber[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseOutlineCode[1-29] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseRBS property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
EnterpriseText[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Resource |
ErrorMessage property |
Read ErrorMessage as String |
New. Returns errors reported by the UpdateResources method in the PSI and by any local checks. |
Resource |
Guid property |
Read Guid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the resource object. |
StartDriver |
PredecessorDrivers property |
Read PredecessorDrivers as PredecessorDrivers |
New. Returns a PredecessorDrivers object for that task. |
Subproject |
IsLoaded property |
Read IsLoaded as Boolean |
New. True if the specified subproject is currently loaded. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]BudgetCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget cost for the rollup calculated value of all the cost resources within the project. Applies only to the project summary task. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]BudgetWork property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]BudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget work for the rollup calculated budgeted work hours for all the work and material resources for the project. Applies only to the project summary task. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]DeliverableFinish property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]DeliverableFinish as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the task baseline deliverables finish date. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]DeliverableStart property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]DeliverableStart as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the task baseline deliverables start date. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]FixedCost property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]FixedCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline fixed cost of any nonresource expense for a task. |
Task |
Baseline[1-10]FixedCostAccrual property |
Read-write Baseline[1-10]FixedCostAccrual as PjAccrueAt |
New. Returns or sets when the task baseline accrues fixed costs. Can be one of the PjAccrueAt constants. |
Task |
BaselineBudgetCost property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget cost for the rollup calculated value of all the cost resources within the project. Applies only to the project summary task. |
Task |
BaselineBudgetWork property |
Read-write BaselineBudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget work hours for all non-cost resources assigned to the project summary task. |
Task |
BaselineDeliverableFinish property |
Read-write BaselineDeliverableFinish as Variant |
New. New. Returns or sets the task baseline deliverables finish date. |
Task |
BaselineDeliverableStart property |
Read-write BaselineDeliverableStart as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the task baseline deliverables start date. |
Task |
BaselineFixedCost property |
Read-write BaselineFixedCost as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline fixed cost of any nonresource expense for a task. |
Task |
BaselineFixedCostAccrual property |
Read-write BaselineFixedCostAccrual as PjAccrueAt |
New. Returns or sets when the task baseline accrues fixed costs. Can be one of the PjAccrueAt constants. |
Task |
BudgetCost property |
Read-write BudgetCost as Variant |
New. New. Returns or sets the budget cost for the rollup calculated value of all the cost resources within the project. Applies only to the project summary task. |
Task |
BudgetWork property |
Read-write BudgetWork as Variant |
New. Returns or sets the baseline budget work for the rollup calculated budgeted work hours for all the work and material resources for the project. Applies only to the project summary task. |
Task |
CalendarGuid property |
Read CalendarGuid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the calendar. |
Task |
DeliverableFinish property |
Read-write DeliverableFinish as Variant |
New. Date the task deliverable ends. |
Task |
DeliverableGuid property |
Read-write DeliverableGuid as Variant |
New. GUID of the task deliverable. |
Task |
DeliverableName property |
Read-write DeliverableName as Integer |
New. Name of deliverable. |
Task |
DeliverableStart property |
Read-write DeliverableStart as Variant |
New. Date the task deliverable starts. |
Task |
DeliverableType property |
Read-write DeliverableType as Integer |
New. Type of deliverable. |
Task |
EnterpriseCost[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. Enterprise custom fields do not have fixed numbers. |
Task |
EnterpriseDate[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseDuration[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseFlag[1-20] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseNumber[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectCost[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectDate[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectDuration[1-10] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectFlag[1-20] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectNumber[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseOutlineCode[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectOutlineCode[1-30] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseProjectText[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
EnterpriseText[1-40] property |
N/A |
Hidden. Deprecated in Project 2007. |
Task |
ErrorMessage property |
Read ErrorMessage as String |
New. Errors reported by the Import Task Wizard relating to custom fields and calendar validations. |
Task |
Guid property |
Read Guid as String |
New. Returns the class identifier (unique ID) of the task. |
Task |
IsPublished property |
Read-write IsPublished as Variant |
New. True when the task and its assignments are published. |
Task |
RecalcFlags property |
Read RecalcFlags as Long |
New. Returns a bit mask, flagging one or more conditions that are driving the task. |
Task |
StartDriver property |
Read StartDriver as StartDriver |
New. Returns the StartDriver object for the task. |
Task |
StatusManagerName property |
Read-write StatusManagerName as String |
New. GUID of the resource responsible for accepting or rejecting assignment progress updates for a task. |
TaskDependency |
LagType property |
Read LagType as PjFormatUnit |
New. The type of lag time between linked tasks, as one of the PjFormatUnit values (days, estimated days, hours, and so forth). |
WorkWeek |
Class |
N/A |
New class. Represents one effective week. |
WorkWeek |
Delete method |
Void Delete() |
New. Deletes the effective week. |
WorkWeek |
Finish property |
Read-write Finish as Variant |
New. End of the effective date. |
WorkWeek |
Index property |
Read Index as Long |
New. Index of the effective week in the Calendar.WorkWeeks collection. |
WorkWeek |
Name property |
Read-write Name as String |
New. Name of the effective week. |
WorkWeek |
Start property |
Read-write Start as Variant |
New. Start date of the effective week. |
WorkWeek |
WeekDays property |
Read WeekDays as WorkWeekDays |
New. Type WorkWeekDays is a new collection class. It includes the definitions of each week day. |
WorkWeeks |
Class |
N/A |
New collection class. Contains the definitions for each week day. Not all definitions need to be used, if the WorkWeek does not cover a full week. |
WorkWeeks |
Add method |
WorkWeek Add( Variant Start, Optional Variant Finish, Optional Variant Name) |
New. Adds a new WorkWeek to the calendar. |
WorkWeeks |
Count property |
Read Count as Integer |
New. Number of effective weeks. |
WorkWeeks |
Item property |
Read Item(Index) as WorkWeeks |
New. Get a specific WorkWeek by index. |
WorkWeekDay |
Class |
N/A |
New class. A particular week day definition within an WorkWeek. |
WorkWeekDay |
Calendar property |
Read Calendar as Calendar |
New. Parent calendar of the WorkWeek that contains the WorkWeekDay definition. |
WorkWeekDay |
Count property |
Read Count as Integer |
New. Size in days of the period (always 1 for an WorkWeekDay). |
WorkWeekDay |
Default method |
Void Default() |
New. Takes shifts 1-5 for this WorkWeekDay from the default calendar. |
WorkWeekDay |
Index property |
Read Index as Integer |
New. Index of this weekday within the WorkWeekDays collection (0 = Sunday). |
WorkWeekDay |
Name property |
Read Name as String |
New. Localized name of the weekday. |
WorkWeekDay |
Shiftn property |
Read Shiftn as Shift |
New; n is 1 to 5. Configuration of Shift1 ... Shift5 for the effective weekday. Returns a Shift object representing a shift of the WorkWeekDay object. |
WorkWeekDay |
Working property |
Read-write Working as Boolean |
New. True if the day is a working day. There must be at least one shift with a valid Start and Finish time. |
WorkWeekDays |
Class |
N/A |
New collection class. An WorkWeekDays object contains seven WorkWeekDay objects. |
WorkWeekDays |
Count property |
Read Count as Integer |
New. Number of WorkWeekDay objects (always 7). |
WorkWeekDays |
Item property |
Read Item(Index as Variant) as WorkWeekDay |
New. Gets an WorkWeekDay object by index (0 = Sunday). |
New Enumerations in Project 2007 MSProject class
Table 3 shows the new enumerations and members. The member value is shown in the cases where the values are relatively simple, such as 0–6. Member values such as 188744823 are not shown in the table; all values are available in the VBA Object Browser.
Table 3. New enumerations in Project 2007 MSProject class
Enumeration |
Member |
Where Used / Comments |
Enum PjAccrueAt |
pjStart = 1 pjEnd = 2 pjProrated = 3 |
Task.BaselineFixedCostAccrual Task.Baseline[1-10]FixedCostAccrual New. Denotes whether to accrue costs at the start or end of a task, or to prorate based on percentage completed. |
Enum PjAssignmentCalc |
pjAssnCalcNone = 0 pjAssnCalcRollDown = 1 |
Application.CustomOutlineCodeEdit Application.CustomFieldProperties New. Denotes the assignment calculation options for financial codes. |
Enum PjAssignmentField |
pjAssignmentGUID pjAssignmentResourceGUID pjAssignmentTaskGUID pjAssignmentBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjAssignmentBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjAssignmentBudgetCost pjAssignmentBudgetWork pjAssignmentOwner pjAssignmentSummary pjAssignmentWBS |
Project 2007 adds these 28 members to the many PjAssignmentField members in Project 2003. Project Server uses GUIDs instead of unique ID integers. See the VBA Object Browser for values not specified here. |
Enum PjAssignmentTimescaledData |
pjAssignmentTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjAssignmentTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineBudgetCost = 674 pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineBudgetWork = 673 pjAssignmentTimescaledBudgetCost = 670 pjAssignmentTimescaledBudgetWork = 669 |
Project 2007 adds these 24 members to the many PjAssignmentField members in Project 2003. See the VBA Object Browser for values not specified here. |
Enum PjCalendarType |
pjGregorianCalendar = 1 pjHijriCalendar = 6 pjThaiCalendar = 7 |
New. |
Enum PjCommitmentTaskLinkType |
pjNoLink = 0 pjTargetStart = 1 pjTargetFinish = 2 |
New. Enumeration for task deliverables. |
Enum PjCustomFieldType |
pjCostCustomField = 0 pjDateCustomField = 1 pjDurationCustomField = 2 pjFinishCustomField = 3 pjFlagCustomField = 4 pjNumberCustomField = 5 pjStartCustomField = 6 pjTextCustomField = 7 pjInvalidCustomField = 65535 |
New |
Enum PjExceptionItem |
pjItemSunday = 3 pjItemMonday = 4 pjItemTuesday = 5 pjItemWednesday = 6 pjItemThursday = 7 pjItemFriday = 8 pjItemSaturday = 9 |
Exception.MonthItem New |
Enum PjExceptionPosition |
pjFirst = 0 pjSecond = 1 pjThird = 2 pjFourth = 3 pjLast = 4 |
Exception.MonthPosition New |
Enum PjExceptionType |
pjDaily = 1 pjYearlyMonthDay = 2 pjYearlyPositional = 3 pjMonthlyMonthDay = 4 pjMonthlyPositional = 5 pjWeekly = 6 pjDayCount = 7 |
Exception.Type New |
Enum PjField |
pjImportResource pjResourceBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjResourceBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjResourceBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjResourceBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjResourceBudget pjResourceBudgetCost pjResourceBudgetWork pjResourceCalendarGuid pjResourceCostCenter pjResourceDefaultAssignmentOwner pjResourceErrorMessage pjResourceGuid pjResourceIsTeam pjResourceWBS pjTaskBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjTaskBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjTaskBaseline[1-10]DeliverableFinish pjTaskBaseline[1-10]DeliverableStart pjTaskBaseline[1-10]FixedCostAccrual pjTaskBaselineBudgetCost pjTaskBaselineBudgetWork pjTaskBaselineDeliverableFinish pjTaskBaselineDeliverableStart pjTaskBaselineFixedCostAccrual pjTaskBudgetCost pjTaskBudgetWork pjTaskCalendarGuid pjTaskDeliverableGuid pjTaskDeliverableStart pjTaskDeliverableType pjTaskErrorMessage pjTaskIsPublished pjTaskRecalcFlags pjTaskStatusManagerName pjTaskGuid |
Project 2007 adds these 100 members to the many PjField members in Project 2003. |
Enum PjFieldType |
pjProject = 2 |
Project 2003 has only pjTask = 0 and pjResource = 1 for PjFieldType. |
Enum PjIsCommandEnabled |
pjCommandEnabled = 0 pjCommandDisabled = 1 pjCommandUndefined = 2 |
New. Can be compared with return value of Application.IsCommandEnabled. |
Enum PjLegacyFileFormats |
pjDoNotLoadLegacyFiles = 0 pjEnableLegacyFilesLoad = 1 pjPromptBeforeLoadingLegacyFiles = 2 |
Application.OptionsSecurity New. |
Enum PjRecalcDriverType |
pjResourceTypeCost = 2 pjDriverConstraint = 4 pjDriverPredecessor = 8 pjDriverProjectStart = 16 pjDriverCalendar = 32 pjDriverChildTask = 64 pjDriverParentTask = 128 pjDriverDeadlineTask = 256 |
New. Supports recalculation change highlighting. |
Enum PjResourceTimescaledData |
pjResourceTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjResourceTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjResourceTimescaledBaselineBudgetCost = 758 pjResourceTimescaledBaselineBudgetWork = 757 pjResourceTimescaledBudgetCost = 755 pjResourceTimescaledBudgetWork = 754 |
Project 2007 adds these 24 members to the PjResourceTimescaledData members in Project 2003. |
Enum PjResourceTypes |
pjDriverLevelingDelay = 2 |
Project 2003 has only pjResourceTypeWork = 0 and pjResourceTypeMaterial = 1 for PjResourceTypes. |
Enum PjTaskTimescaledData |
pjTaskTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjTaskTimescaledBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjTaskTimescaledBaselineBudgetCost = 758 pjTaskTimescaledBaselineBudgetWork = 757 pjTaskTimescaledBudgetCost = 755 pjTaskTimescaledBudgetWork = 754 |
Project 2007 adds these 24 members to the PjTaskTimescaledData members in Project 2003. |
Enum PjThemeElement |
pjThemeElementWPBkgd = 32 pjThemeElementWPText = 33 pjThemeElementWPTitleBkgdInactive = 35 pjThemeElementWPCtlBdr = 40 pjThemeElementWPGroupline = 47 |
Application.GetThemedColor New. |
Enum PjTimescaledData |
pjBaseline[1-10]BudgetCost pjBaseline[1-10]BudgetWork pjBaselineBudgetCost = 758 pjBaselineBudgetWork = 757 pjBudgetCost = 755 pjBudgetWork = 754 |
Project 2007 adds these 24 members to the PjTimescaledData members in Project 2003. |
Enum PjVisualReportsCubeType |
pjTaskTP = 1 pjResourceTP = 2 pjAssignmentTP = 3 pjTaskNTP = 4 pjResourceNTP = 5 pjAssignmentNTP = 6 |
ReportTemplate.CubeType New. Specifies whether to include task, resource, or assignment data in the cube. TP is timephased; NTP is non-timephased. |
Enum PjVisualReportsDataLevel |
pjLevelYears = 0 pjLevelQuarters = 1 pjLevelMonths = 2 pjLevelWeeks = 3 pjLevelDays = 4 |
Application.VisualReportsEdit New. |
Enum PjVisualReportsTab |
pjTabAll = 0 pjTabTaskTP = 1 pjTabResourceTP = 2 pjTabAssignmentTP = 3 pjTabTaskNTP = 4 pjTabResourceNTP = 5 pjTabAssignmentNTP = 6 |
Application.VisualReports New. Specifies which tab to open in the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog. TP is timephased; NTP is non-timephased. Default is pjTabAll. |
Enum PjVisualReportsTemplateType |
pjExcel = 1 pjVisioMetric = 2 pjVisioUS = 3 |
ReportTemplate.TemplateType New. Specifies whether to use Microsoft Office Excel or Microsoft Office Visio (metric or U.S. template) for the report. |
See Also
Other Resources
Microsoft Office Project Fields Reference
Microsoft Office Project 2007 Developer Reference