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Documents.AddEx Method

Visio Automation Reference

Adds a new stencil or drawing to the Documents collection, while permitting extra information to be passed in an argument.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2003


expression.AddEx(FileName, MeasurementSystem, Flags, LangID)

expression   A variable that represents a Documents object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
FileName Required String The type or file name of the document to add; if you do not include a path, Microsoft Office Visio searches the folder or folders designated in the Application object's TemplatePaths property and all published templates, including published third-party templates.
MeasurementSystem Optional VisMeasurementSystem The measurement units to use in the new document. See Remarks for possible values.
Flags Optional Long Flags that indicate how to open the new document. See Remarks for possible values.
LangID Optional Long The language ID for the document. See Remarks.

Return Value


The AddEx method is similar to the Add method as it applies to the Documents collection, except that AddEx provides several additional arguments in which the caller can specify how the document is created.

The MeasurementSystem argument should be one of the following members of VisMeasurementSystem, which is declared in the Visio type library.

Constant Value Description



Choose metric or US depending on regional options set in Control Panel.



Metric measurement system.



US units measurement system.

The Flags argument should be a combination of one or more of the following members of VisOpenSaveArgs, which is declared in the Visio type library.

Constant Value Description



Adds a document in a docked window.



Adds a document in a hidden window.



Adds a document with macros disabled.



Adds a document in a minimized window.



Adds a document with no workspace information.



Adds a new stencil file.

The LangID argument should be one of the standard IDs used by Microsoft Windows to encode different language versions. For example, the language ID is &H0409 for the U.S. version of Visio. To see a list of language IDs, search for "VERSIONINFO" in the Microsoft Platform SDK on MSDN.

To create a new drawing based on no template, pass a zero-length string ("") to the AddEx method.

To create a new drawing based on a template, pass "templatename.vst" to the AddEx method. Visio opens stencils that are part of the template's workspace and copies styles and other settings associated with the template to the new document. If the template file name is invalid, no document is returned and an error is generated.

To create a new stencil based on no stencil, pass ("vss").

To open a copy of a stencil, pass ("stencilname.vss").

To open a copy of a drawing, pass ("drawingname.vsd").

ms426701.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
Opening a copy of a stencil or drawing is equivalent to selecting Copy in the Open list box in the Open dialog box (File menu) or using the OpenEx method with the visOpenCopy flag.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the AddEx method to create a document based on the "BASICD_U.VST" template that uses the default measurement system units.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub AddEx_Example()
Application.Documents.AddEx "BASICD_U.VST", visMSDefault    

End Sub

See Also