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Selection.Flip Method

Visio Automation Reference

Flips selected shapes either as a group or individually about their pins. Returns Nothing.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2003


expression.Flip(FlipDirection, FlipType, BlastGuards, PinX, PinY, PinUnitsNameOrCode)

expression   A variable that represents a Selection object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
FlipDirection Required VisFlipDirection Specifies the direction in which to flip the selection. See Remarks for possible values.
FlipType Optional VisFlipTypes Specifes how selection is to be flipped. See Remarks for possible values.
BlastGuards Optional Boolean True to override formulas in the ShapeSheet of any of the selected shapes to which the GUARD function has been applied; False to leave guarded formulas unchanged. The default is False.
PinX Optional Double When FlipType is visFlipSelectionWithPin , specifies the X-position of the pin about which the selection is to be flipped.
PinY Optional Double When FlipType is visFlipSelectionWithPin , specifies the Y-position of the pin about which the selection is to be flipped.
PinUnitsNameOrCode Optional Variant Specifies the units to use for PinX and PinY. See Remarks for possible values. The default is inches.

Return Value


The following possible values for FlipDirection are declared in VisFlipDirection in the Visio type library.

Constant Value Description



Flip the selection horizontally.



Flip the selection vertically.

The following possible values for FlipType are declared in VisFlipTypes in the Visio type library.

Constant Value Description



Flip the selection about a pin.



Flip the selection about its center.



Flip the selected shapes about their pins.

You can specify PinUnitsNameOrCode as an integer (a member of VisUnitCodes) or a string value such as "inches". If the string is invalid or the unit code is inappropriate (nontextual), an error is generated.

For a complete list of valid unit strings along with corresponding Automation constants (integer values), see About units of measure.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the Flip method to flip a selection horizontally.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub Flip_Example()
Dim vsoShape1 As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoShape2 As Visio.Shape

Set vsoShape1 = Application.ActiveWindow.Page.DrawRectangle(1, 9, 3, 7)
Set vsoShape2 = Application.ActiveWindow.Page.DrawRectangle(3, 6, 5, 5)


ActiveWindow.Select vsoShape1, visSelect
ActiveWindow.Select vsoShape2, visSelect

Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Flip visFlipHorizontal, visFlipSelection, False

End Sub

See Also