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Documents.BeforeDataRecordsetDelete Event

Visio Automation Reference

Occurs before a DataRecordset object is deleted from the DataRecordsets collection.

ms367189.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
This Visio object or member is available only to licensed users of Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2007


Private Sub expression_BeforeDataRecordsetDelete(ByVal DataRecordset As IVDATARECORDSET)

expression   An expression that returns a Documents object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
DataRecordset Required [IVDATARECORDSET] The data recordset that is going to be deleted.


If you're using Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the syntax in this topic describes a common, efficient way to handle events.

If you want to create your own Event objects, use the Add or AddAdvise method. To create an Event object that runs an add-on, use the Add method as it applies to the EventList collection. To create an Event object that receives notification, use the AddAdvise method. To find an event code for the event you want to create, see Event codes.

See Also