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PidTagExtendedFolderFlags Canonical Property

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Contains extended flags about a folder

Associated properties:




Data type:



MAPI container


This property is a binary stream that contains encoded sub-properties for the folder. It is formatted as a series of variable length sub items. The first 8 bits of the sub item is an ID field, which indicates what kind of flag the sub item represents. The second 8 bits is the number of bytes of data that follow.

Possible ID values include:


Do not use this value
  • ExtendedFlags

    The data is a four byte value formatted as:






    Set to 0 if the application should show a policy description.




    Controls the display of the number of messages in the folder.

    0 – Use the default setting

    1 – Use the number of unread messages

    3 – Use the total number of messages



    Reserved items can be ignored, but existing values must be preserved.

  • SearchFolderID

    The data field is a 16-byte field. When the application creates a persistent search folder, it must set this field on the folder to the same value as the PR_WB_SF_TAG (PidTagSearchFolderId)) binary property on the Search Folder Message.

  • ToDoFolderVersion

    The data field is a 4-byte field. When the application creates the to-do search folder, it must set the value of this field on the folder to the little-endian integer value of” 0x000c0000”:

Protocol Specifications

    Provides references to related Exchange Server protocol specifications.

    Specifies the location and properties of client and server configuration data, such as shared category lists and working hours.

    Specifies the properties and operations for manipulating a search folder list configuration.

Header Files

  • Mapidefs.h
    Provides data type definitions.

  • Mapitags.h
    Contains definitions of properties listed as alternate names.

See Also


MAPI Properties

MAPI Canonical Properties

Mapping Canonical Property Names to MAPI Names

Mapping MAPI Names to Canonical Property Names