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Read Property [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The Read property returns a string value to a corresponding property key from the property bag. If the specified key name does not exist, this property returns a null value. The key name is case-insensitive.

Applies to

ISmartDocProperties Interface


[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Property Get ISmartDocProperties_Read(ByVal Key As String) As String

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public ReadOnly Property Read(ByVal Key As String) As String Implements SmartTagLib.ISmartDocProperties.Read


public string ISmartDocProperties.get_Read(string Key)

[Visual C++]

STDMETHOD(get_Read)(BSTR Key, BSTR * Value)

[Visual C++ .NET]

STDMETHOD(get_Read)(BSTR Key, BSTR * Value)


Key   A string that represents the name of a property. For a list of property keys for smart document controls, see ISmartDocProperties.

Value   A string that represents the setting for the specified property key. If the value is a null value or an empty string, the existing property key setting is deleted.