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Step 5: Creating the SimpleSample XML Expansion Pack Manifest File (Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorial) [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

Previous  Step 4: Compile the SimpleSample DLL

  1. Start Notepad or another text editor.

  2. Open the Manifest.xml file included in the supporting files for the SimpleSample smart document. For more information about the schema for the XML expansion pack manifest file, see the XML Expansion Pack Manifest Schema Reference.

  3. Determine the location where you will deploy the SimpleSample smart document. This may be a network share (for example, \\sharedfolder), an intranet path (for example, http://mysmartdocument), or an Internet address (for example,

    You can also use a relative path. For example, if your smart document is located in the same folder as your supporting files, you can use a relative address to the file by entering only the file name into the filePath element.

    Note  The file names referenced in the Manifest.xml file are relative addresses, so you can copy the file into most folders without modification. However, if you store your SimpleSample smart document on a network share or Web server, you may need to provide the absolute path to the smart document dynamic-link library (DLL) and supporting files in the filePath element.

  4. Locate the class identifier (CLSID) for the SimpleSample DLL that you compiled earlier, and paste it into the CLSID element in the Manifest.xml file. You can locate the CLSID by opening the registry and searching for "SimpleSample.clsActions." For more information, see Locating the CLSID.

  5. Change the value of the solutionID element to a globally unique identifier (GUID). You can generate a GUID by using the Uuidgen.exe utility included with Microsoft Visual Studio.

  6. Change the value of the alias element to "SimpleSmart Document Sample - VB 6.0".

  7. Save the Manifest.xml file.

Next  Step 6: Test Your SimpleSample Smart Document