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Step 1: Setting Up the SimpleSample Document (C# Tutorial) [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

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Before you start to program the SimpleSample smart document, you need to set up the SimpleSample document in Microsoft Office Word 2003.

  1. Start Word and open the SimpleSample.doc supporting file.

  2. Attach the SimpleSample.xsd XML schema to the document.  For instructions, see Attaching an XML Schema.

  3. Mark up the document with XML elements as shown in SimpleSample Document XML Markup.

    In the SimpleSample smart document dynamic-link library (DLL) project, you use the XML elements that are defined in the schema and that you inserted in the document to create and assign actions to controls that are displayed in the Document Actions task pane.

  4. Save the document.

    For this exercise, you do not need to save the document as an XML document. Word will embed the custom schema markup within the document.

Note  If you were creating a smart document in Microsoft Office Excel 2003, you would need to set up the files in Excel.

Next   Step 2: Setting Up the C# Project