Warn Messages
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.
A warning message.
A warning message related to the API client software.
A field (option, attribute, element, HTTP request, or part of a URL) contains invalid data. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadData Options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the name of the field that contains invalid data. |
A file or stream in the Zip archive file format is invalid.
An entry in a Zip archive is invalid. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadData.Zip.Entry Options
Name |
Description |
entryName |
Specifies the name of the invalid entry. This option is only present if the invalid entry can be identified by a definite name. |
A Zip archive is missing a required entry.
A Zip archive is missing an image entry.
A Zip archive is missing a version entry.
A field (option, attribute, element, Zip archive entry, or part of a URL) violates some syntactic constraint of this specification or a referenced specification. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax Options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the name of the field that violates the constraint. |
The data in a field are not in a valid format.
A field contains an invalid URL.
A field is not in the required order.
An XML item is not in the required order.
An XML element is not in the required order.
An XML element is not in the first child of its immediate parent when this is required.
An entry in a Zip file is not in the required order. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.BadOrder.ZipEntry Options
Name |
Description |
entryName |
Specifies the name of the entry that is not in the correct order. |
An entry in a Zip file is after another entry when this is not permitted.
An entry in a Zip file is after another entry when this is not permitted. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.BadOrder.ZipEntry.After.Entry Options
Name |
Description |
afterEntryName |
Specifies the name of the entry that entryName was after, but should not have been after. |
An entry in a Zip file is before another entry when this is not permitted.
An entry in a Zip file is before another entry when this is not permitted. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.BadOrder.ZipEntry.Before.Entry Options
Name |
Description |
beforeEntryName |
Specifies the name of the entry that entryName preceded, but should not have preceded. |
An entry in a Zip file is before the version entry when this is not permitted.
The type of a field is not the type required.
The type of a field is not boolean, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not decimal, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not enumeration, which is the type required.
The type of a field is enumeration as required, but the enumeration does not contain the required choices in the required order. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.BadType.NeedEnumerationChoices Options
Name |
Description |
choices |
Specifies the required enumeration choices in the required order. |
The type of a field is not locale, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not locale list, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not string, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not string list, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not time, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not TimeInterval, which is the type required.
The type of a field is not TimeIntervalList, which is the type required.
An option type is unexpected. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.BadType.Option Options
Name |
Description |
expected |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the expected option type. |
got |
Specifies the actual option type. |
A required field is missing.
A required option is missing.
A required option in a slide is missing. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.Missing.Option.Slide Options
Name |
Description |
slideType |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the type of slide. |
A required XML item is missing.
A document type declaration, or part of a document type declaration, is missing.
The system identifier in a document type declaration is missing.
A required XML element is missing.
A value is null when a non-null value is required.
The value of an item in a list is null when a non-null value is required. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.Null.ItemInList Options
Name |
Description |
Index |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the index of the item that is null. The first item in the list has index zero. |
A value in an option is null when a non-null value is required.
An option name is null.
An option value is null when this is not permitted. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.Null.Option.Value Options
Name |
Description |
optionName |
Specifies the name of the option. The optionName option is not present if the name of the invalid option is null or empty. |
optionType |
Specifies the type of the invalid option. |
More values are required than are present. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooFew Options
Name |
Description |
minNeeded |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the minimum number of values required. |
A string list contains too few strings. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooFew.StringList Options
Name |
Description |
listSize |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the number of strings in the string list. |
A value is too short. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooShort Options
Name |
Description |
length |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the length of the value that is too short. |
min |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the minimum allowed length. |
The value of an item in a list is too short. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooShort.ItemInList Options
Name |
Description |
index |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the index of the item that is too short. The first item in the list has index zero. |
A string in a list is too short. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooShort.ItemInList.String Options
Name |
Description |
stringValue |
Specifies the string value that is too short. This option is omitted if the string is empty. |
A string is too short. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.BadSyntax.TooShort.String Options
Name |
Description |
stringValue |
Specifies the string value that is too short. This option is omitted if the string is empty. |
A string in an option is too short.
An option name is too short.
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected item is ignored.
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected option is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.Option Options
Name |
Description |
optionName |
Specifies the name of the ignored option. This option is not present if the name of the ignored option is null or empty. |
optionType |
Specifies the type of the ignored option. |
An option with an unknown or unexpected option type is ignored.
An unknown or unexpected property is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.Property Options
Name |
Description |
propertyName |
Specifies the name of the unknown or unexpected property. |
An unknown slide type is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.SlideType Options
Name |
Description |
slideType |
Specifies the unknown slide type. |
More values are present than are permitted. The extra values are ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.TooMany Options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
Specifies the name of the field containing too many values. |
max |
decimalOption. Value range 0 to 231-1. Specifies the maximum number of values allowed. |
An invalid value is replaced by a default. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.Value Options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
Specifies the name of the field containing the invalid value. |
badValue |
Specifies the invalid value. |
replacement |
Specifies the value used instead. |
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML item is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.XML Options
Name |
Description |
elementType |
Specifies the type of element that contained the unexpected attribute. |
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML attribute is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.XML.Attribute Options
Name |
Description |
attributeName |
Specifies the name of the ignored attribute. |
optionName |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. If the XML was part of an option, specifies the name of the option. |
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML document type declaration is ignored.
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML root element in a document type declaration is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.XML.DocumentTypeDeclaration.RootElement Options
Name |
Description |
expected |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the expected root element type. |
got |
Specifies the actual root element. |
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML system identifier in a document type declaration is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.XML.DocumentTypeDeclaration.SystemIdentifier Options
Name |
Description |
expected |
StringOption. Length range 1-1023 characters. Specifies the expected system identifier. |
got |
Specifies the actual system identifier. |
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected XML element is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.XML.Element Options
Name |
Description |
parent |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the element of the immediate parent. This option is omitted for the root element, or if the immediate parent is not known. |
expected |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the expected element. |
got |
Specifies the actual element. |
A Zip file entry with an invalid, unknown, or unexpected name or suffix is ignored. For example, an entry named image14.jpg is ignored because entries with the ".jpg" suffix are not permitted. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredBad.ZipEntry Options
Name |
Description |
entryName |
Specifies the name of the ignored entry. |
A Zip file entry that is a directory is ignored.
An unexpected Zip file entry is ignored.
An unexpected Zip file entry is ignored. The suffix of the entry name indicates the entry contains an image.
An item occurs more than once when only one occurrence is permitted. All but one occurrence are ignored.
An option appears more than once in an option list. The first value of the option is used, and all subsequent values are ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredRepeat.Option Options
Name |
Description |
optionName |
Specifies the name of the repeated option. |
An XML element has more than one option list child element when only one option list child element is permitted.
A property is repeated when this is not permitted. The last value of the property is used, and all previous values are ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredRepeat.Property Options
Name |
Description |
propertyName |
Specifies the name of the repeated property. |
A repeated Zip file entry is ignored. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Client.IgnoredRepeat.ZipEntry Options
Name |
Description |
entryName |
Specifies the name of the ignored entry. |
A repeated version Zip file entry is ignored.
A warning message related to the conference center.
A field (option, attribute, element, or part of a URL) violates some syntactic constraint of this specification or a referenced specification. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Server.BadSyntax Options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
StringOption. Length range 1-255 characters. Specifies the name of the field that violates the constraint. |
The data in a field are not in a valid format.
The data in a field are not a valid hexadecimal number where this is required.
An invalid, unknown, or unexpected item is ignored.
An invalid value is replaced by a default. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Server.IgnoredBad.Value options
Name |
Description |
fieldName |
Specifies the name of the field that contains the invalid value. |
badValue |
Specifies the invalid value. |
replacement |
Specifies the value that is used instead. |
An unexpected item is encountered.
An unexpected version is encountered. The following table specifies the options corresponding to this message and those below it in the hierarchy.
Warn.Server.Unexpected.Version Options
Name |
Description |
gotVersionMajor |
Specifies the major version number encountered. |
gotVersionMinor |
Specifies the minor version number encountered. |
supportedVersions |
Specifies the versions supported by the conference center. |
A version has an unexpected major version number.
A version has an unexpected minor version number.