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What's New in the Exchange 2010 Management Shell SDK

Welcome to the Exchange Server 2010 Service Management Shell SDK. This topic summarizes the changes we have made to the content of the SDK for this release.

What's New in This SDK

This release of the Exchange 2010 Management Shell SDK contains documentation for new cmdlets and updates to the documentation for some existing cmdlets. In addition, the documentation for several cmdlets has been removed.

New cmdlets

Reference documentation for the following cmdlets was added to the SDK:

  • Get-AddressBookPolicy

  • New-AddressBookPolicy

  • Remove-AddressBookPolicy

  • Set-AddressBookPolicy

  • Test-ArchiveConnectivity

  • Test-AssistantHealth

  • Get-FederatedDomainProof

  • Get-HybridConfiguration

  • New-HybridConfiguration

  • Set-HybridConfiguration

  • Update-HybridConfiguration

  • Get-MailboxAuditBypassAssociation

  • Set-MailboxAuditBypassAssociation

  • Get-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • New-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • Remove-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • Resume-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • Set-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • Suspend-MailboxRestoreRequest

  • Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics

  • New-PublicFolderDatabaseRepairRequest

  • Add-RecipientPermission

  • Get-RecipientPermission

  • Remove-RecipientPermission

  • Test-SmtpConnectivity

  • Remove-StoreMailbox

Modified cmdlets

Managed reference documentation for the following cmdlets was modified for this SDK:

  • Clear-ActiveSyncDevice

  • Search-AdminAuditLog

  • Set-CurrentOrganization

  • Add-DistributionGroupMember

  • Update-DistributionGroupMember

  • Import-ExchangeCertificate

  • Test-FederationTrust

  • Set-HotmailSubscription

  • Set-ImapSubscription

  • Disable-InboxRule

  • Enable-InboxRule

  • Remove-LinkedUser

  • New-Mailbox

  • Search-MailboxAuditLog

  • Remove-MailboxDatabase

  • New-MailboxSearch

  • Get-Message

  • Export-MigrationReport

  • Test-MigrationServerAvailability

  • Get-Organization

  • New-Organization

  • Test-OrganizationRelationship

  • Complete-OrganizationUpgrade

  • Start-OrganizationUpgrade

  • Test-OutlookWebServices

  • Set-PopSubscription

  • Get-Queue

  • Get-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy

  • New-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy

  • Remove-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy

  • Set-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy

  • Update-ServicePlan

Removed cmdlets

Managed reference documentation for the following cmdlets was removed from this SDK:

  • Export-Mailbox

  • Import-Mailbox

Additional resources