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WindowObject members

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Represents a window that is used in the Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 application.

The WindowObject type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Active Gets a value that indicates whether the window associated with the WindowObject object is the active window. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property Caption Gets or sets the caption text for the window represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property CommandBars Gets a reference to the Microsoft Office CommandBars collection contained in the window that is associated with the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property Height Gets or sets the height of the window represented by the WindowObject object, measured in points. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property Left Gets or sets the horizontal position of the window represented by the WindowObject object, measured in points. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property MailEnvelope Gets a reference to the MailEnvelopeObject object associated with the window that is represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property TaskPanes Gets a reference to the TaskPanesCollection collection that is associated with the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property Top Gets or sets the vertical position of the window represented by the WindowObject object, measured in points. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property Width Gets or sets the width of the window represented by the WindowObject object, measured in points. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property WindowState Gets or sets the state of the window represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property WindowType Gets an XdWindowType value that indicates the type of window that is represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public property XDocument Gets a reference to the XDocument object that is associated with the window that is represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)



  Name Description
Public method Activate() Activates the window that is represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)
Public method Close(Boolean) Closes the window that is represented by the WindowObject object. (Inherited from Window2.)


See also


WindowObject interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath namespace