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signalingState property

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The signalingState property describes the state of the signaling process for the local end of the connection.

This property is read-only.


state = object.signalingState


Property values

Type: RTCSignalingState


The RTCSignalingState enum (the type of the signalingState property) has the following enumerations:

Member Description
"stable" There is currently no exchange of offer and answer. This is the initial state.
"have-local-offer" The local peer has created an offer that has been delivered successfully.
"have-remote-offer" The remote peer has created an offer which has been delivered to the local peer successfully.
"have-local-pranswer" The local provisional answer has been received.
"have-remote-pranswer" A remote provisional answer has been received.
"closed" The connection has been closed.


See also
