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Matrix.PerspectiveOffCenterRH(Single,Single,Single,Single,Single,Single) Method (Microsoft.DirectX)

Builds a customized, right-handed perspective projection matrix.


Visual Basic Public Shared Function PerspectiveOffCenterRH( _
    ByVal left As Single, _
    ByVal right As Single, _
    ByVal bottom As Single, _
    ByVal top As Single, _
    ByVal znearPlane As Single, _
    ByVal zfarPlane As Single _
) As Matrix
C# public static Matrix PerspectiveOffCenterRH(
    float left,
    float right,
    float bottom,
    float top,
    float znearPlane,
    float zfarPlane
C++ public:
static Matrix PerspectiveOffCenterRH(
    float left,
    float right,
    float bottom,
    float top,
    float znearPlane,
    float zfarPlane
JScript public static function PerspectiveOffCenterRH(
    left : float,
    right : float,
    bottom : float,
    top : float,
    znearPlane : float,
    zfarPlane : float
) : Matrix;


left System.Single
Minimum x-value of the view volume.
right System.Single
Maximum x-value of the view volume.
bottom System.Single
Minimum y-value of the view volume.
top System.Single
Maximum y-value of the view volume.
znearPlane System.Single
Minimum z-value of the view volume.
zfarPlane System.Single
Maximum z-value of the view volume.

Return Value

A Matrix structure that is a customized, right-handed perspective projection matrix.


All of the parameters of the PerspectiveOffCenterRH method are distances in camera space. The parameters describe the dimensions of the view volume.

This method uses the following formula to compute the returned matrix.

2*znearPlane/(right-left)   0                           0                                              0
0                           2*znearPlane/(top-bottom)   0                                              0
(left+right)/(right-left)  (top+bottom)/(top-bottom)    zfarPlane/(znearPlane-zfarPlane)              -1
0                           0                           znearPlane*zfarPlane/(znearPlane-zfarPlane)    0

See Also