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TangentOptions Enumeration (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Defines settings used for mesh tangent frame computations.


Visual Basic Public Enum TangentOptions
C# public enum TangentOptions
C++ public enum class TangentOptions
JScript public enum TangentOptions


Member Value Description
GenerateInPlace 1024 The results are stored in the original input mesh, and the output mesh is not used.
CalculateNormals 512 Compute the per-vertex normal vector for each triangle of the input mesh, and ignore any normal vectors already in the input mesh.
WindClockwise 256 Vertices are ordered in a clockwise direction around each triangle. The computed normal vector direction is therefore inverted 180 degrees from the direction computed using counterclockwise vertex ordering.
WeightEqual 128 Compute a unit-length normal vector for each triangle of the input mesh. Mutually exclusive with WeightByArea.
WeightByArea 64 Weight the direction of the computed per-vertex normal or partial derivative vector according to the areas of triangles attached to that vertex. Mutually exclusive with WeightEqual.
OrthogonalizeFromU 32 Compute the partial derivative with respect to texture coordinate u independently for each vertex, and then compute the partial derivative with respect to v as the cross product of the normal vector and the partial derivative with respect to u. Mutually exclusive with DontOrthogonalize and OrthogonalizeFromV.
OrthogonalizeFromV 16 Compute the partial derivative with respect to texture coordinate v independently for each vertex, and then compute the partial derivative with respect to u as the cross product of the partial derivative with respect to v and the normal vector. Mutually exclusive with DontOrthogonalize and OrthogonalizeFromU.
DontOrthogonalize 8 Do not transform texture coordinates to orthogonal Cartesian coordinates. Mutually exclusive with OrthogonalizeFromU and OrthogonalizeFromV.
DontNormalizePartials 4 Do not normalize partial derivatives with respect to texture coordinates. If not normalized, the scale of the partial derivatives is proportional to the scale of the 3-D model divided by the scale of the triangle in (u, v) space. This scale value provides a measure of how much the texture is stretched in a given direction. The resulting vector length is a weighted sum of the lengths of the partial derivatives.
WrapUV 3 Texture coordinate values in both u and v directions are between 0 and 1. In this case a texture coordinate set will be chosen that minimizes the perimeter of the triangle.
WrapV 2 Texture coordinate values in the v direction are between 0 and 1. In this case a texture coordinate set will be chosen that minimizes the perimeter of the triangle.
WrapU 1 Texture coordinate values in the u direction are between 0 and 1. In this case a texture coordinate set will be chosen that minimizes the perimeter of the triangle.

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX (microsoft.directx.direct3dx.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492