Reverb Send and Chorus Send Buses
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Use the Reverb Send bus or the Chorus Send bus to enable the use of two special continuous controllers (CCs) in pattern parts or sequence parts.
On the Microsoft Synthesizer, these controllers adjust the volume of the buffer as a segment plays. The Reverb Send bus responds to CC 91, the Ext Effects (Reverb) Depth controller. The Chorus Send bus responds to CC 93, the Chorus controller. The volume of any signal going through one of these buses is adjusted by corresponding curves in segment tracks.
The Reverb Send bus is used by the Standard Reverb buffer type. In addition, you can add either or both of these buses to any User Defined buffer, and the volume of the buffer will respond regardless of whether it contains effects. Typically, however, you would use these buses in conjunction with effects. By using the Reverb Send or Chorus Send buses to control the volume of an audio effect in one buffer, with a separate bus to another buffer containing no audio effects, you can easily control the wet/dry mix, or the mix of processed and unprocessed sound. This is an alternative to using the wet/dry mix setting in the Effect Properties window or setting parameters dynamically by using the Parameter Control Track.
The most convenient way to use CC 91 is in conjunction with the Standard Stereo and Reverb audiopath, which sends output through two buffers: the Standard Stereo buffer using no effects, and the Standard Reverb buffer using the Reverb Send bus and a reverb effect. As a pattern or sequence containing CC 91 plays, the audio signal using the reverb buffer becomes louder or quieter, so the mixture of reverb sound and normal stereo sound changes.