Chords for Composition
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A pattern's chords for composition serve as the basis for the notes in the parts.
The notes in a pattern are not calculated as specific pitches, such as C, D, or E, but according to their function in the chord, such as step 1, 2, or 3 of the chord's underlying scale. The function of a note in the pattern is measured relative to the chord and the underlying scale of the chord. For example, the note E is the third of the 2 C chord, and therefore functions as the third step of any chord it encounters. The note D is the second step of the 2 C chord's underlying scale. The note A# is the raised sixth step of the scale.
Chords for composition are a convenient setting you can use to compose a pattern in a desired key. After you finish creating a pattern and its variations, the chords for composition are no longer used. The notes of the pattern are interpreted as steps 1, 2, 3, and so on for whatever chords the pattern encounters in other DirectMusic Producer components, such as a segment. Regardless of the chords for composition you use to create the pattern, the notes of the pattern are used by other components as if they are written in the key of C. This is true even if you use a chord for composition that is something other than a major chord, such as a minor or augmented chord.
For example, if you use a chord for composition of G minor, with a natural minor underlying scale, the notes G, A, Bb, D, and F are considered steps 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of the scale. For whatever chord the pattern encounters in a segment, the pattern plays using steps 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of that chord's underlying scale. If the pattern plays over a D major chord, then the pattern plays D, E, F#, A, and C#, which are steps 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of the D major chord's underlying D major scale.
It is possible to have multiple patterns based on different keys within a style. For most purposes, it is recommended that you create styles with all patterns based on the key of C major or C minor. This makes it easy to view the notes of a style in terms of their scale positions relative to the note C.
Chords for composition appear in the track labeled "Chords for Comp" in the Pattern Editor. The default chord for composition, occurring on the first beat of the first measure, is 2CM7 (middle range C major 7th). You can edit this chord and add up to one chord per beat. To insert a chord, right-click the Chords for Composition track and click Insert on the shortcut menu, or click the track and press the INSERT key. Edit the chord properties in the Chord Properties window.
If you change the properties of a chord for composition after you enter notes in a pattern, the notes are affected. For more information, see Keep Constant Option.
By default, all variations in a pattern can play on any chord. However, if you do not want a variation played with certain types of chords, you can disable the variation in relation to those chords. To do this, use the Variation Choices window to enable and disable certain chord types for each variation you create in a pattern.