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Image Properties

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Image Properties

Windows Portable Devices supports the following image properties.

Property VarType Description
WPD_IMAGE_BITDEPTH VT_UI4 The bit depth of the image.
WPD_IMAGE_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS VT_UI4 A WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES enumeration that specifies whether the file has been color-corrected.

This prevents multiple devices from automatically color-correcting the image during post-processing.

WPD_IMAGE_CROPPED_STATUS VT_UI4 A WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES enumeration that specifies whether the file has been cropped.

This prevents multiple devices from automatically cropping the image during post-processing.

WPD_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_INDEX VT_UI4 A value that identifies the film speed settings when this image was captured.

The settings correspond to the ISO designations of ASA/DIN.

Typically, a device supports discrete enumerated values, but continuous control over a range is possible.

A value of 0xFFFFFFFF corresponds to automatic ISO setting.

WPD_IMAGE_EXPOSURE_TIME VT_UI4 Identifies the shutter speed of the device when this image was captured.

Units are in seconds scaled by 10000.

WPD_IMAGE_FNUMBER VT_UI4 Identifies the aperture setting of the lens when this image was captured.

Units are equal to the f-number scaled by 100.


Header: Defined in PortableDevice.h

See Also

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