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Retrieving an Object Identifier from a Persistent Unique Identifier

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Retrieving an Object Identifier from a Persistent Unique Identifier

Object identifiers are only guaranteed to be unique for a given device session; if the user establishes a new connection, identifiers from a previous session may not match identifiers for the current session. To resolve this issue, the WPD API supports persistent unique identifiers (PUIDs), which persist across device sessions.

Some devices store their PUIDs natively with a given object. Others may generate the PUID based on a hash of selected object data. Others may treat object identifiers as PUIDs (because they can guarantee that these identifiers never change).

The GetObjectIdentifierFromPersistentUniqueIdentifier function in the ContentProperties.cpp module demonstrates the retrieval of an object identifier for a given PUID.

Your application can retrieve an object identifier for a corresponding PUID using the interfaces described in the following table.

Interface Description
IPortableDeviceContent Interface Provides access to the retrieval method.
IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection Interface Used to store both the object identifier and the corresponding persistent unique identifier (PUID).

The first task that the sample application accomplishes is to obtain a PUID from the user.

printf("Enter the Persistant Unique Identifier of the object you wish to convert into an object identifier.\n>");
hr = StringCbGetsW(wszSelection,sizeof(wszSelection));
if (FAILED(hr))
    printf("An invalid persistent object identifier was specified, aborting the query operation\n");

After this, the sample application retrieves an IPortableDeviceContent object, which it will use to invoke the GetObjectIDsFromPersistentUniqueIDs method.

HRESULT                                         hr                  = S_OK;
WCHAR                                           wszSelection[81]    = {0};
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent>                 pContent;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pPersistentUniqueIDs;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pObjectIDs;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    hr = pDevice->Content(&pContent;);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("! Failed to get IPortableDeviceContent from IPortableDevice, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);

Next, it creates an IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection object that will hold the PUID supplied by the user.

HRESULT                                         hr                  = S_OK;
WCHAR                                           wszSelection[81]    = {0};
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent>                 pContent;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pPersistentUniqueIDs;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pObjectIDs;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PortableDevicePropVariantCollection,
                      (VOID**) &pPersistentUniqueIDs;);

Once the previous three steps are taken, the sample is ready to retrieve the object identifier that matches the PUID supplied by the user. This is accomplished by calling the IPortableDeviceContent::GetObjectIDsFromPersistentUniqueIDs method. Prior to calling this method, the sample initializes a PROPVARIANT structure, writes the PUID supplied by the user to this structure, and adds it to the IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection object at which pPersistentUniqueIDs points. This pointer is passed as the first argument to the GetObjectIDsFromPersistentUniqueIDs method. The second argument of GetObjectIDsFromPersistentUniqueIDs is an IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection object that receives the matching object identifier.

HRESULT                                         hr                  = S_OK;
WCHAR                                           wszSelection[81]    = {0};
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent>                 pContent;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pPersistentUniqueIDs;
CComPtr<IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection>   pObjectIDs;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    if (pPersistentUniqueIDs != NULL)
        PROPVARIANT pv = {0};

        // Initialize a PROPVARIANT structure with the object identifier string
        // that the user selected above. Notice we are allocating memory for the
        // LPWSTR value.  This memory will be freed when PropVariantClear() is
        // called below.
        pv.vt      = VT_LPWSTR;
        pv.pwszVal = AtlAllocTaskWideString(wszSelection);
        if (pv.pwszVal != NULL)
            // Add the object identifier to the objects-to-delete list
            // (We are only deleting 1 in this example)
            hr = pPersistentUniqueIDs->Add(&pv;);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // 3) Attempt to get the unique idenifier for the object from the device
                hr = pContent->GetObjectIDsFromPersistentUniqueIDs(pPersistentUniqueIDs,
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    PROPVARIANT pvId = {0};
                    hr = pObjectIDs->GetAt(0, &pvId;);
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                        printf("The persistent unique identifier '%ws' relates to object identifier '%ws' on the device.\n", wszSelection, pvId.pwszVal);
                        printf("! Failed to get the object identifier for '%ws' from the IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection, hr = 0x%lx\n",wszSelection, hr);

                    // Free the returned allocated string from the GetAt() call
                    printf("! Failed to get the object identifier from persistent object idenifier '%ws', hr = 0x%lx\n",wszSelection, hr);
                printf("! Failed to get the object identifier from persistent object idenifier because we could no add the persistent object identifier string to the IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            printf("! Failed to get the object identifier because we could no allocate memory for the persistent object identifier string, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);

        // Free any allocated values in the PROPVARIANT before exiting

See Also

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