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IPortableDeviceResources Interface

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IPortableDeviceResources Interface

The IPortableDeviceResources interface provides access to an object's raw data. Use this interface to read or write resources in an object. To get this interface, call IPortableDeviceContent::Transfer.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IPortableDeviceResources interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Cancel Cancels a pending operation on this interface.
Delete Deletes one or more resources from an object.
GetResourceAttributes Retrieves all attributes from a specified resource in an object.
GetStream Gets an IStream interface with which to read or write the content data in an object on a device.
GetSupportedResources Retrieves a list of resources supported by a specific object.


Header: Defined in PortableDeviceApi.h

Library: PortableDeviceGUIDs.lib

See Also

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