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Building an Expert

This topic describes how to build a generic expert that ships with the Network Monitor SDK.

Note  Before creating the following code examples, install the Network Monitor SDK and initialize the MySetEnv.bat file. For more information, see Network Monitor SDK Startup.

To build a generic expert

  1. Open a Network Monitor command prompt and navigate to the \Experts subdirectory; for example, C:\Program Files\NetMonSDK2\Experts.
  2. Type xcopy /e /s /v Blrplate MyExpert; then, when prompted, type D.
  3. Move to the \MyExpert subdirectory.
  4. Type ren Blrplate*.* MyExpert*.*. Ensure that all files are properly renamed. Verify the file names by comparing the files in the \Experts\Blrplate subdirectory.
  5. Edit the Makefile by replacing all occurrences of Blrplate with MyExpert.
  6. Edit both .cpp files by replacing all occurrences of Blrplate with MyExpert. Be aware that the dialog box identifier in Config.cpp must be capitalized (for example, MYEXPERT).
  7. Edit MyExpert.h by replacing all occurrences of Blrplate with MyExpert.
  8. Edit Resrc1.h by renaming BLRPLATE to MYEXPERT. (Remember, MYEXPERT must be capitalized).
  9. Edit the MyExpert.rc file by renaming IDD_BLRPLATE_CONFIG_DIALOG to IDD_MYEXPERT_CONFIG_DIALOG.
  10. Type nmake to build the DLL file. To verify the build, change directory to the \Obj subdirectory and verify that the file exists. For more information, see Viewing Expert DLL Properties.

When the build is complete, you will have an expert DLL that you can test and deploy with Network Monitor. For more information about installing an expert, see Installing an Expert to Network Monitor 2.1. For more information about debugging an expert, see Debugging an Expert.