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IDbCustomBackupRestoreManager.ListBackups Method

Retrieves a list of database backup names for a custom backup and restore module.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Web.Management.DatabaseManager
Assembly:  Microsoft.Web.Management.DatabaseManager (in Microsoft.Web.Management.DatabaseManager.dll)


Function ListBackups ( _
    connectionString As String _
) As ICollection(Of String)
Dim instance As IDbCustomBackupRestoreManager
Dim connectionString As String
Dim returnValue As ICollection(Of String)

returnValue = instance.ListBackups(connectionString)
ICollection<string> ListBackups(
    string connectionString
ICollection<String^>^ ListBackups(
    String^ connectionString
function ListBackups(
    connectionString : String
) : ICollection<String>


  • connectionString
    Type: System.String
    The connection string for the database.

Return Value

Type: System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<String>
An ICollection object that contains the collection of database backup names.


All database providers that implement the IDbCustomBackupRestoreManager interface must also implement the ListBackups method, which the database manager will use to retrieve a list of database backups for a custom backup and restore module.


See Also


IDbCustomBackupRestoreManager Interface

Microsoft.Web.Management.DatabaseManager Namespace