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Add Member Function Wizard


The latest version of this topic can be found at Add Member Function Wizard.

This wizard adds a member function declaration to the header file and a stub member function implementation to the implementation file for the selected class.

Once you have added the member function using the wizard, you can edit the code in the development environment.

Return type
Sets the return type for the member function you are adding. You can provide your own return type, or you can select from the list of available types. For information about the types, see Fundamental Types.

char int unsigned int
double long unsigned long
float short void
HRESULT unsigned char

Function name
Sets the name of the member function you are adding.

Parameter type
Sets the type of parameter you are adding for the member function, if the member function has parameters. You can provide your own parameter type, or you can select from the list of available types.

char int unsigned char
double long unsigned int
float short unsigned long

Parameter name
Sets the name of a parameter you are adding for the member function, if the member function has parameters.

Parameter list
Displays a list of parameters you have added to the member function. To add a parameter to the list, provide a type and name in the Parameter type and Parameter name boxes and click Add. To remove a parameter from the list, select the parameter and click Remove.

Sets the access to the member function. Access modifiers are keywords that specify the access other classes have to the member function. See Member-Access Control for more information about specifying access. The member function access level is set to public by default.

Check whether the new member function is static or virtual, and whether it is inline or pure. If you set the member function to be pure, the Virtual check box is selected, and the Inline check box becomes unavailable. The default is a nonstatic, nonvirtual member function.

Option Description
Static Specifies that the function acts like a global and can be called outside of the class, even with no class instantiation. The member function has no access to non-static members. A member function specified as Static cannot be virtual.
Virtual Ensures that the correct member function is called for an object, regardless of the expression used to make the member function call. A member function specified as Virtual cannot be static.
Pure Indicates that no implementation is supplied for the virtual member function being declared; therefore, Pure can be specified only on virtual member functions. See Class-Member Declaration Syntax for more information.

A class that contains at least one pure virtual member function is considered an abstract class. Classes derived from the abstract class must implement the pure virtual member function or they, too, are abstract classes.
Inline Instructs the compiler to insert a copy of the member function body into each place the member function is called. A member function specified as Inline cannot be pure.

.cpp file
Sets the file location where the stub member function implementation is written. By default, it is written to the .cpp file for the class to which the member function is added. Click the ellipsis button to change the file name. The member function implementation is added to the contents of the selected file.

Provides a comment in the header file for the member function.

Function signature
Displays the member function as it appears in the code when you click Finish. You cannot edit the text in this box. To change the member function, change the appropriate boxes in the wizard.

See Also

Adding a Member Function