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ReadFrom Method

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Creates and populates a GraphStore by reading from a stream.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Stream) Creates and populates a DefaultGraphStore from a stream.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(TextReader) Creates and populates a GraphStore by reading with a text reader.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(String) Creates and populates a DefaultGraphStore from a file.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(GraphReader) Reads from a DefaultGraphStore using a GraphReader.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Stream, Encoding)
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(String, Encoding) Creates and populates a DefaultGraphStore from a file with encoded text.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), GraphReader) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populate it with a GraphReader.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), Stream) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populates it from a stream.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), TextReader) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populates it from a text reader.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), String) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populates it from a file.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), Stream, Encoding) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populates it from an encoded stream.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom(Func< (Of < <' (GraphStore> ) > > ), String, Encoding) Creates a GraphStore using a delegate and populates it from a file with encoded text.


See Also


GraphStore Class

GraphStore Members

System.Dataflow Namespace