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Overview of Table of Contents Parser

Table of Contents Parser (TOC Parser) is a Windows component that enables you to store advanced index information in media files. Examples of advanced index information are tables of contents, semantic indices, and story boards.

With TOC Parser, you can write software that enables users to find scenes of interest in a video file. For example, you can provide the user with a table of contents so that he or she can identify the primary sections of the video and then view a particular section. You can also provide the user with an index so that he or she can find a list of scenes that are related to a particular word or phrase.

Table of Contents Generator (TOC Generator) is a Windows component that works along with TOC Parser. TOC Generator can detect scenes and clusters of scenes in a video file and then generate a table of contents that you can use as a starting point in your software.

The following list gives some scenarios in which you could use the services provided by TOC Parser or TOC Generator.

  • Create a table of contents from scratch and embed it in a video file.
  • Read a table of contents that is already embedded in a video file.
  • Edit a table of contents that is already embedded in a video file.
  • Use TOC Generator to create a table of contents based on scenes and clusters that it detects in a video file. Edit the generated table of contents and embed it in the video file.

See Also

About Table of Contents Parser



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Build date: 4/7/2010