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Interaction Template Table

Contains the different interaction templates you use when creating interactions. An interaction template is a model defining the basic characteristics of an interaction that can be used as a basis to create and record new interactions. Interaction templates facilitate the creation of new interactions.

When creating an interaction template, you can specify the usual unit cost and duration for it, the direction of information flow, who it is usually initiated by, and so on. You can also include an attachment in the interaction template. Each interaction template can contain a maximum of one attachment.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Unit Cost (LCY) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Interaction Group Code Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Date Filter Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Language Code (Default) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Campaign Response Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Cost (LCY) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Correspondence Type (Default) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Campaign No. Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Initiated By Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Wizard Action Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Ignore Contact Corres. Type Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Code Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Campaign Target Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Attachment No. Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Duration (Min.) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Information Flow Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Description Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
No. of Interactions Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Unit Duration (Min.) Field, Interaction Template Table Relationship Management
Wizard Action Field, Interaction Template Table Spain Local Functionality

See Also


Interaction Templates

Other Resources
